This week we morph through the fog of time and mind into greater clarity, determination, and resolve to manifest the dreams that drive us forward every day. But those hopes and dreams are also transforming themselves before our very eyes, aligning more perfectly with the emerging values we are discovering along the way. Eclipses shift our visions, recalibrate our souls, and stack the blocks of our future accordingly. Focus on the cheerful aspects of life and the rest will follow.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Moon in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer
Moon in Pisces sextile Mercury in Taurus
The fog that clouds our sense of time and how we plan to proceed throughout the day can be challenging to navigate. But as the day ticks by, we may finally settle in to recognizing the futility of trying to be completely in control of what is happening when and where. It is a good Sunday to unwind and float about, trying not to force decisions or commitments.
There may be some unexpected emotional sensitivities as the day moves along, so it would be good to step back and see the bigger picture and not take everything too seriously. Our evening could elicit some engaging conversations about beliefs or values that we might otherwise not expect to get into.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Another day of wispy and perhaps confusing processes, we should again allow the day to unfold naturally and organically. Though we may have any number of appointments or meetings, we shouldn’t be surprised when someone cancels or doesn’t show up, including ourselves.
Things are changing and reshaping themselves as we continue to feel more comfortable with any variety of unknowns in our lives, trusting the sea is pushing us closer and closer to the shoreline upon which we should be disembarking. Trust that more productive and reliable days lie ahead! These are just cycles we must engage with.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Moon in Aries sextile Venus in Gemini
Moon in Aries square Mars in Gemini
As we close in on another Aries New Moon late tomorrow night (technically Thursday morning EDT), we are wrapping up any loose ends that we feel need to be addressed. Standing strong on our own two feet while we communicate our desires and gripes with others can be fruitful if we approach it with forethought and compassion. As the afternoon unfolds, however, we should be mindful of the sensitivities of others and careful not to antagonistically put them in their place.
Moon-Mars squares can be wracked with angst and spite, but they can also offer opportunities to express our raw feelings about matters that mean a lot to us. The ticket is to not only choose our words wisely, but to remain calm and conscious of our approach and intentions. Setting things straight with those we love works best if we remind ourselves that we are all human, and all humans have flaws and make mistakes. We’re not exceptions to that fact.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries
The balsamic phase of the Moon is upon us with a vivacious passion to expand our horizons far and wide. Seeking higher mountaintops, dreaming grander dreams, and cultivating more autonomy can all emerge from the elusive depths of our hearts and souls today. Though we could very well be quite active and absorbed today, it would behoove us to pay attention to how our dreams are expanding and reshaping themselves so we can recalibrate our tack across the swells that lie ahead before the Moon joins Sun tonight at 12:35am EDT (technically Thursday morning). What are we setting our sights on?
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Total Solar Eclipse New Moon at 29° Aries (12:35am EDT)
Sun and Moon ingress Taurus
Sun and Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius
The Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon occurs very early this morning (EDT), begging us to spend the next month digging our heels into the Earth for traction to fight for what we believe in. Though both Sun and Moon enter Taurus within a few hours of the New Moon, the activation of their reunion occurs at the final degree of Aries. This is exponentially magnified by Moon eclipsing Sun, thus stirring up the proverbial pot that will help align ourselves to our innermost desires and values, allowing us to more clearly see what we sincerely want out of life.
Over the past month we have likely been working very hard, running around full tilt, and exhausting ourselves. This can burn us out quickly if we don’t make time for necessary self-care, which includes more rest, not beating ourselves up at every turn, and forgiving our own faults and the faults of others. The transition of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) into Taurus will be slowing things down, allowing us to breathe, and grounding us into our bodies, allowing us to better notice what they need.
We may find ourselves in the midst of going through a gauntlet of very personal metamorphosis with Pluto’s powerful activation thrown in here. Much of what we had previously valued for so long could be deteriorating before our very eyes, transforming our perspective of what we find significantly worthy of investing our energy and time into in life.
It would be ideal to begin to more consciously notice what makes us cheerful and what does not. What does not make us cheerful anymore is not worth investing our time in anymore. Onward! Further! Deeper we go!
Friday, April 21, 2023
Moon conjunct Mercury then Uranus in Taurus
Mercury stations retrograde
The essential values that drive our passions, desires, and decisions have become more noticeable lately for a variety of reasons, but primarily because they are changing. As Moon waxes past Mercury and Uranus early this morning, Mercury stations retrograde at the same time. This generates enormous emphasis and reflection upon our sustainability, self-sufficiency, and financial situation.
Sharing time and space with a partner or advisor to discuss with ample focus the pragmatic sustainability of our resources would be very apropos today. The hopes, dreams, and visions we have for our future should begin to be carefully pored over for optimum refinement and recalibration. What do we really want, what do we really need?
“The difference between should and want is the difference between you and YOU!” – Ken Kesey
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Moon ingresses Gemini and trines Pluto in Aquarius
Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
Augmenting Thursday’s Moon-Pluto square, we are now inclined to make more sense of how and why our values are shifting. There could be a lot more open conversations over the weekend about the inner workings of our psyches and the hold our previous fixations had on them.
While not perfectly aspected today, the inclinations imbued by now-retrograde Mercury are alchemically intertwining with Moon’s interactions with Pluto and Saturn to profoundly reshape our internal dialogue and discernment. These effects can affect the way we methodically deconstruct and reconstruct our ambitions and aspirations. We are essentially acquiring the knowledge and wisdom to shed our skin and emerge less like we were and more like we are.
A powerful week of residual perishing and pivotal becoming. We are wrapping ourselves in the blankets of our dreams and emerging as more confident and resolved warriors equipped with the inspiration and motivation to manifest those hopes and visions for our future.