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June 25 – July 1, 2023

This week begins with refinement, works through the platinum armor of our egos, humbles us into the depths of the morals of our past, and awakens us to the arms of our souls reaching out beyond the furthest reaches we have reached before to discover things we never knew we might find. It may be an emotional journey, as many are, but the journey always contains lessons that should inspire us to never stop seeking what is around the next bend in the road.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn

Any missing or misplaced pieces to the challenging indistinct puzzle we have been trying to put together could appear out of nowhere today, helping us step back and see exactly what this crazy puzzle is finally looking like. We have better clarity and focus to more accurately assess the situations that have been plaguing our emotional lives, giving an important dose of understanding how to manage what lies ahead.

There are very likely circumstances occurring in all our lives that have tested our resolve, patience, and emotional maturity. Boundary issues in general have been lurking and lunging at us for quite some time, sometimes with intense guilt and shame attached to them. These are not easy experiences to tuck away and forget about, but rather face directly through bold faith and heart-centered compassion, hopefully clearing the way for more intimate connection and progress with one another.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn (150°)

Mercury ingresses Cancer at 8:24pm EDT

This is a test of resistance that has been applying in our lives for the past few days and will linger for another few. The resistance stems from a fierce unconscious rebellion that finds us holding on to values we are afraid to transform into better ones, thus creating a thick cloud of stubbornness to protect our fragile egos from shattering. But if we yield to that resistance, the humility lying dormant within can teach us how to break habits like very few other celestial influences can. It is a challenge few of us will want to accept, but if we do accept it the results can shape a bold new future that will be so much more valuable than if we do not accept it.

It may be difficult to clearly understand the importance of communicating our struggles to anyone willing to hold space for us, but this process helps us relate more with each other. It helps us understand how our loved ones think and feel, which in turn cultivates greater compassion and connection between souls. And as Mercury progresses into Cancer, the communication that fosters greater understanding generates more emotional security and the capacity to nurture from the heart.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Cancer trine/sextile Moon’s Nodes

At the risk of exhausting the value of sharing the traumatic stories of our life with others, today contains the space to do just that. Even if those traumas never become fully healed, the healing that lies hidden within the conversations can be enough to help find our way forward with more trust, security, and hope. The vulnerability we expose when painful stories are shared with others can contribute to much deeper bonds and richer relationships.

Our thoughts and feelings may seem to be tied tighter together than usual with Mercury now in Cancer, so our intuition might also very well be heightened and more on point. Utilizing that intuition to notice the subtleties in the words and actions of others can help show us why and how we need to take care of them. And taking action to do so can in turn be a guiding light for ourselves and the road that lies ahead for us. There is so much to learn from caring for others. Today promises that to be true.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Moon in Scorpio conjunct its South Node

Moon in Scorpio trine Mercury in Cancer

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Today we pick up our shovels to dig deep into our past to relearn the ethics and morals that define our passion to care deeply for others. As we have lately been waylaid by innumerable demands from the world around us, mostly out of our control, we may have lost sight of the lessons we learned and cherished earlier in our life. These can rise to the surface of the sea that encircles our soul, reminding us how sensitive and delicate our emotional journey has been and how precious the love we share with others truly is.

These memories of morals that captured our seeking souls are not just a drive down memory lane, they can rekindle a spark of powerful uplifting joy we have not felt in a very long time. While Moon’s South Node represents the genesis of our journey, there are immense lessons seeded there. All the words, music, art, experiences, places, and people we encountered in the past that taught us the valuable lessons which have shaped our identity and character are amassing on the surface of that encircling sea of our soul today. Go feel and love and remember!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (technically yesterday)

Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus square Venus and Mars in Leo

The values, ethics, and unique expressions that shape our individuality and personal identity can seem exposed to the unseen forces that surround us today. While there may not be any threat to who we are, there could very well be some rich recognitions about how we choose to define ourselves and what we stand for in the overall zeitgeist. These can be vulnerable moments that generate contemplation and reflection, so making time for this sort of processing would be really good for us today.

As I have written often lately, these are transitional times that call for our utmost awareness of how and why we make the decisions we make. Decisions are sometimes extremely difficult to make, especially when they involve the well-being of others, including ourselves, so remaining savvy and privy to the subtleties and nuances that weave through our waking and dreaming lives can help secure ample stability as we move through these transitions. Choose wisely!

Friday, June 30, 2023

Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Diving back into the deep blue sea to reflect upon the emotional circumstances that envelope us each and every day helps cleanse our weary souls of the demands that are seemingly incessantly put upon us each and every day. There can be opportunities for breakthroughs with meaningful growth and redemption if we allow the winds that blow across the water to blow through us and not just around us. When we put on our armor to block the onslaught of pain and sorrow, we also block the breezes of kindness and love.

Transitions tap the portals of infinite desire and wave their wild flags across the high country tundra as prayers to the winds we must honor and respect. This is a day to let go, embrace the strangeness of who we are, smile about all of it, and so deeply believe in the divine matrix of existence. There are unknowns and there are unknowables. We must reconcile our egos to these inevitabilities.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Mercury conjunct Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus >>>

Moon in Sagittarius inconjunct (150°) Sun-Mercury in Cancer AND Jupiter in Taurus (Yod)

This morning opens with a powerful Yod configuration between Sun-Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon at the apex. Yod’s are sometimes referred to as the “Finger of God.” They require humility and an openness to the influences of where they are pointing, in this case Moon in Sagittarius. With the roots of this Yod entrenched in the signs of security, stability, resources, and emotional processing, we must feel into how those words resonate with our souls. Once we find our serenity and security trusting these roots, we then must reach high, far, wide, and into territories we have never been before to discover the riches and wonderment of just how miraculous and magical and mysterious this entire world is.

This evolves into a Grand Trine between Moon, Chiron, and Mars-Venus later in the evening, opening the tension from the morning into a more flowing willingness to reach for things we don’t even know exist, but trust could be there if we look for them. The painful realities of our traumas may always linger to a greater or lesser extent, but we can lay those down sometimes and pray over them to seep deep down into the mud to compost into blessings for whomever comes along behind us. Let’s never stop seeking things we don’t know about!

So much of so many of our days are spent hustling and bustling about trying to pick up after our forgotten tasks, messy brain patterns, emotional muck and mire, and our fears, shame, and guilt. But what part of our days are spent feeling cleansed and cleared of such otherwise calamitous moments? Reaching above and beyond into places and ideas we have never reached for before will always teach us priceless lessons about lethargy. Taking risks, accepting opportunities, and always wondering what lies over those rolling hills ahead will forever bring us furthur, deeper, and higher than we never knew we could go. Shall we go?

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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