From the pains of our past to the reins of our future, we trudge on through what seems like the wild wild west sometimes, coping, moping, and hoping that what lies ahead can liberate us and bring a renewed sense of freedom and immersion in the great oneness within and without us. These days are rotations that evolve us onward toward clarity, despite the circumstances that may seem to bury us in despair. Tuesday’s Full Moon in Aquarius is one of those momentous opportunities to see through the clutter and turmoil to what could be. So, what could be?
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
Venus in Leo inconjunct Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Virgo and trine Jupiter in Taurus
Moon welcomes Saturn’s watery placement today as they productively align to sort out the logistics of making the challenging unknowns work for us. As often as we face circumstances in which the outcome is not foreseeable, sometimes we get by with a little help from our friends, and in this case Saturn warms up to Moon to help us feel our way like the day before. There is grounding and productivity awaiting us this morning. Timing can seem perfect.
The warm headwaters of Venus’s retrograde journey back through Leo feeds the deep cool seas of Neptune, though they don’t seem to understand how or why. Our exuberant romanticism and playful joys are deeply stirred by subtleties beyond our comprehension. We could very well find ourselves immensely reflecting upon anything and everything we deeply we love and cherish to the point we end up in the clouds forgetting all about mundane reality.
Those wispy songs from the clouds will likely fade as gravity plants us back on our feet to finish our evening duly planning our week ahead and figuring out how to prune, fertilize, and nurture the goals, dreams, and visions we have been working on applying to our values and ideals. This is a brilliant evening to hash out how to manifest what is best for us.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Those goals, dreams, and visions we spent time hashing out how to manifest yesterday are getting a rather balancing dose of both pragmatism and outlandish optimism today. At once we may unexpectedly be inspired by a brilliant new idea and forced to reconcile that idea with the rigor of what it would take to see it through. This can conjure the likes of depression and pessimism, but if we are prepared to entertain any idea with a hardhat of realism on our heads, it could just be the perfect concoction to build something never before seen or heard of.
As the day ebbs, we again face the weight of our metamorphosis; the ongoing glacial mutation from the pains and woes of our past to the relieving and liberating unveiling of our future, all taking place every moment we breathe in and breathe out. Though Moon-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn are trying and emotional, there is always beauty to behold, even in the confines of our sealed chest of all we have been. Let’s find all the beautiful facets that lie hidden within.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
*Full Moon at 9° Aquarius at 2:31pm EDT*
Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus
Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Casey Kasem used to say, “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!” This is an apropos theme to this Full Moon. Our greatest ideals are born in Aquarius, showing us possibilities we had not anticipated and inspiring us beyond any previous capacity for inspiration. How do we find what has never been found? How do we separate and detach from the desires that bring suffering and expectations? How do we lovingly and compassionately integrate that detachment into our most cherished relationships? How do we achieve and sustain healthy friendships, tribes, and communities to enrich and protect the love and lives of all involved?
All of this conceivable idealism can be grounded and duly implemented in such a way that ensures progress and awakenings from deep within and seemingly from afar. So much of what we are after in life is entirely rooted in our value system. What we want, what is important to us, and what we do not want to lose can answer all the reasons we seek what we seek. As we seek to better understand why all of those things are valuable to us, we come closer to knowing ourselves in earnest.
We are striving to polish the jewels of our soul today, and we might even find jewels long encrusted in the sediment of our own undoings. As we scratch away and carefully uncover the gleaming magic we did not know we possess, something may awaken us to find out that that magic seems familiar. So, there is ample opportunity today to refine aspects of our lives that may have long been running rampant over our comforting ideals. Let’s make it all better as best we can!
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Aquarius opposite Venus in Leo
Today is a fixed bag of detachment and additional awakenings. The struggle to uphold the ideals discovered during yesterday’s Full Moon is exacerbated by a challenge from the confines of stubborn security and familiarity. What we know, have, and like do not usually want to be replaced by unknowns or even hairbrained ideas that may threaten the security of those comforts, so this could very likely be a day of reconciliation and compromise.
All that said, as the day lingers on we might find some uplifting hope again that those dreams and exciting ideas are quite worthy of our attention and time. This is all reflecting back upon us as we carefully scrutinize our values and perhaps step those values up so that the strings of our soul are in tune with the flawless planetary gears that constantly surround and encircle us. It is a day to scrutinize, analyze, and revise.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces opposite Mercury and Mars in Virgo
Moon ingresses Pisces and joins Saturn there in the morning, eventually opposing Mercury and Mars in Virgo. These are aspects that magnify the polarity between control and the lack thereof, nature and mankind, jungles and gardens, purity and impurity, excess and moderation.
There can be a sense of floating through time today, as though it lifts us and carries us through our morning meetings, our conversations, and especially our mindless tasks. As is often the case, it is best to yield to the void that seems to enfold us and allow those unseen forces to carry us through.
Reminders of what needs to be fixed, refined, managed, and carried out will crop up more and more, however, so we must not get lost on those magic wings. We should stay focused so we can notice any subtle gestures early in the day that can help us figure out what eventually will be asked of us as the day unfolds.
It never hurts to reflect upon what is in our control and what is not during Pisces Moons. And as the serenity prayer says, we must accept the things we cannot change, have courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Blessed be!
Friday, August 4, 2023
Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn
As the natural zodiac proceeds from Aquarius to Pisces, so today’s Moon in Pisces aspects their natural rulers, Uranus and Neptune, respectively. This is the journey from elevated alignment and awakening to letting go and immersively yielding to the nothingness that is everything. In other words, what we discover today can make us feel as though we are merging with Great Spirit.
Sometimes there are days that instill a sense of cosmosis; like we somehow just suddenly understand what we are going through and why, without questioning any of it. While I am not at all saying we are all going to become enlightened today, we could very well gain a much deeper understanding and acceptance for just how synchronized and magical the world and our lives can be.
Late in the evening, our etheric immersion reforms back into matter to remind us what still needs to be conquered and overcome in order to earn those laurels we briefly rested upon. So, let’s be on the lookout for any awakening clues while we sleuth through the mundane particulars of our day!
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Moon in Aries trine Sun in Leo
This evening’s bodacious luminary trine in fire signs ignites our Saturday night with a fervor to have fun, be bold, and dance the night away. We should definitely get out our red dress, our orange polyester Hawaiian shirt, or maybe even our clown shoes for some exuberant clowning around on the streets of our choosing, even if that is our driveway or living room.
I know I don’t usually post entirely light-hearted and playful posts, often delving instead into the depths of seemingly onerous celestial influences, but this is one Saturday to relish. There can be a sense of release and liberation from the weight of the unknowns the world throws at us. In the words of Bob Weir, “Get prepared, there’s gonna be a party tonight! Uh huh!” Let’s let go, get right, and not forget the love we bring!
This is a rather transpersonal week of reflecting upon our progress improving our value system. How we want things to get better, why we might not want some things to change, how stubborn we might be letting go of what we don’t want to change, and trying to find the jewels of our magic that we call life are all worthy tacks to take out at sea this week. May we all find a way to make our lives a little better!