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July 23-29, 2023

It’s Leo season! Hopefully we have all already been enjoying the playful Leonian vibes through Venus and Mercury lately, but if that has been a challenge, perhaps Sun can instill some of its powerful emanating magic while in its home sign over the next month. As Mercury welcomes his transition into his home sign of Virgo later in the week, we can begin to weed out the layers of unnecessaries that sometimes trample over the important parts of life. It’s a busy week that fuels exuberance and refinement; two wonderful attributes to honor and cherish.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

*Venus stations retrograde in Leo (technically late Saturday night)*

*Sun ingresses Leo (technically late Saturday night)*

Moon ingresses Libra and sextiles Sun in Leo

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Venus stationed retrograde late last night, ushering in a month and half to reflect upon our relationships, our resources, our real estate, and most importantly our values. What do we hold most dear to our hearts? What means the most? How can we make all of those things more of a priority in our lives? Lots to think about!

With both luminaries ingressing and sextiling each other in the middle of the night, there is a nice exuberant flair to our Sunday morning. Most likely some residual issues to be worked out as time unfolds due to the still-active Pluto-Node squares and Sun-Pluto opposition, but we can rest assured Sun in Leo will help lighten the mood, and Moon in Libra will bring some much needed balance into our lives. The scales have been weighted heavily on the side of intensity, so pouring some Leo and Libra into the bowl should help us all lighten up a bit.

Later in the afternoon and evening, we may find ourselves a bit at odds with others as we all can struggle reconciling our egos and stubbornness with being able to see all sides of whatever stories and opinions crop up. Best to air on the side of fun perhaps, or even some solitary time with ourselves. If tough conversations do surface, bear in mind the potential for egos to get the better of us. But it’s Leo season, everyone! Let’s laugh and dance through it all!

Monday, July 24, 2023

Chiron stations retrograde in Aries

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Though Chiron stationed retrograde in Aries yesterday, there was too much to cover in that post, so I saved it for today. This, as we should know by now, is about the pain and trauma we have suffered in our lives. Often our greatest trauma happened when we were children, but certainly some of us may still be experiencing subtle or substantial trauma as adults. Regardless, the retrograde influence of reflection commences and lasts for five months.

Where do we go from here? The field of personal trauma is of course a very fragile and sensitive one. As Moon in Libra opposes Chiron shortly after it stations retrograde, we might all be feeling a bit extra sensitive, especially when it comes to talking about difficult things. Finding a friend who deeply cares and is willing to listen, should we need an ear, might be in the cards. Most importantly during these five months, we should very carefully and only occasionally dive into these pains. It is not helpful to spend too much time in those shadow spaces. We can take heart in knowing that we can always help ourselves feel better if we know just what to do.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Moon in Libra sextile Mercury and Venus in Leo

Moon ingresses Scorpio and squares Sun in Leo

Our day may start out rather exciting and social, again easing any underlying tensions in our lives. The very workable sextiles between Moon and Mercury and Venus can be playful and help facilitate wonderful dialogue, understanding, and progress in whatever endeavors we might find ourselves in. There is also opportunity for helpful dialogue between partners, shedding some light on our personal liberties and desires for harmony.

As the day ebbs into evening, our deeper and more personal issues come into focus, perhaps feeling like a test to see how we are getting on with the magnitude of changes arising in our lives. The windows through which we see our world can seem more clean and clear. The changes knocking would like to be let in so they can sit down and have a little check-in chat with us. How are we doing? How are we facing our challenges? What’s the plan, Stan?

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus

The plot thickens as we honor the structures that hold our lives together. The tides are flowing in and filling up our emotional beaches, inviting us to dive in and merge with the ancient seas of developmental growth. First we check in with our boundaries, our morals, and our personal truths, then we utilize our foothold on those things to consider how to expand our resources and opportunities beyond where we have been until now.

The transitions of such aspects can tell subtle stories to us about our own thoughts and lives if we listen and are vigilant enough to notice them. Though the subtleties might be hard to recognize, something new is always waiting to be born. This could very well be an ideal time to take a hard look at our financial situation and make changes that bring greater opportunity and growth, perhaps by way of others supporting or investing in a project we have been dreaming of.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Venus in Leo

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Today’s cycles pick up where yesterday’s left off, naturally. Those opportunities we may have been waiting to take a chance on? A spark of excitement or flash of unexpected news might just tap us on the shoulder today, hopefully with good news that sends us into prime territory for upgrading and polishing the facets of the most important areas of our lives. Never underestimate the whims of Uranus and its ability to show us brand new ways to approach and perceive things more clearly.

By midday, we are singing the poetic hymns of our cherished loves and delights for all to hear. While we probably won’t actually do that, there will be more clarity and understanding available to notice what it is we sincerely cherish, love, and delight the most in at this point in our lives. And as those all saturate into our blood, the beautiful unknowns crawl out of the sea and teach us how to trust in their wisdom and truth through faith that what will be will be.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Mercury in Leo trine/sextile Moon’s Nodes

Moon in Sagittarius trine Sun in Leo and square Saturn in Pisces

Mercury ingresses Virgo

As our spells of exuberant frolicking and folly over the past few weeks wind down, there are lessons to be gained from them. There are plenty of reasons to advocate for fun, most importantly the joy and light-heartedness it brings. And although versions of fun vary from person to person, they all hold a benevolent candle to the darkness and pain. What have we discovered about our versions of fun? How can we incorporate them in a balanced and fruitful way moving forward?

Speaking of fun, the luminaries line up in a fiery flowing trine for us early this morning, sparking excitement and expansion. This is a very positive day to scan our surroundings for any sign of opportunity on the horizon. We must be mindful, however, that there is a sentinel on the hill making sure we do the right thing.

After all this fun and opportunity, there comes a time when we need to get to bed early so we can wake up rejuvenated and ready to tackle life with as much skill and precision as possible. As Mercury ingresses Virgo, one of its two domiciles, we will be honing in on productivity, our health, and all that is demanded of us to refine our work and manage our lives better. This is the song of Virgo. Let’s get busy fixing what needs fixed!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces and trine Venus in Leo

All through our storied pasts we have sought to make more sense of certain experiences that we struggled to understand, and while the answers are not suddenly available, there may seem to be a renewed desire to seek out what we want to understand more deeply. Perhaps we are finding more familiarity with a partner or a friend and want to know them better. Maybe we are trying to find answers to some painful experience we suffered in the past. Or maybe there is a spiritual dilemma we find ourselves confused about and trying to sort out.

Whatever the case, the lineup of activations between Moon, Venus, Neptune, Pluto, and Moon’s nodes makes for a doozy of a Saturday to run, hide, and seek in our own backyard. And whichever of those we choose to do, we are bound to learn something new and exciting to carry with us; a keepsake kind of morsel of wisdom that speaks to our curious and eager minds, hearts, and souls. Let’s hope we all find something magical!

This week is fueled by the nodal shift aspecting Pluto, but also Venus stationing retrograde and Mercury moving gladly into its own fixer upper, where it will teach us how to thrive and improve what needs to be worked on most in our lives. Let’s be grateful for the fun we have hopefully had over the past few weeks, and for the foresight astrology offers while we walk this path through life together and alone.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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