Virgo season is riding high this week, asking us to begin or continue our efforts toward a healthier, more functional future. What we have been doing and how we have been doing it may have gotten us through to where we are now, but would we be further along if we had employed some more tact and prudence to our methodology? As Mercury ingresses Virgo again, he is in a different place in the sky this time, exhibiting to us that just because we may seem to operate as we have before, we are in a different place with different intentions than we were five weeks ago. As the week rounds out, we are going to come face to face with realities we must accept and work to embrace with love in hopes of rejoicing in triumph.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
The luminaries are communing with Saturn today, and they are finding out whether or not we are staying between the lines and doing our part to contribute to the healthy structure of our family, our occupation, and our goals. Could we be putting forth more effort to get to where we want to be? Have we eliminated the most essential distractions that keep us from those goals? Perhaps we need to investigate ourselves a bit more to sleuth out the shadows between the rays.
This configuration is showing us where there is too much chaos and disarray in the infrastructure of our lives. What we are doing and what we could be doing are usually two different things, but we do not always realize this in our everyday moments and experiences. Instead, we notice them in our solitary reflections when we are questioning our own competence and commitment to our work. Today can show us the stark contrast between what can happen if we neglect things too often or if we climb back up on our horse and forge through the chaos until we have much more under control and much more to feel proud and grateful for. Opportunities are often disguised by hard work. Let’s do it!
Monday, September 9, 2024Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
*Mercury ingresses Virgo*
Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Sagittarius square Mercury in Virgo
Our intimate internal refinery is beginning to function at full capacity, working hard to purify the sludge-infused essence we normally rely on to manage our lives. When we ask ourselves whether or not we are managing our lives the best we can, we can almost always answer with a no, even though we would like to believe we are. The recipe for optimum functionality does not require a Virgoan influence, but it sure does make for a finer cake with which we can enjoy life more.
In order to keep our bar high and live up to the demands of its placement, we have to also contend with the subtle influences of our own inner substrata. There is an infinite array of lessons to be learned as we carry ourselves through each day, each hour, and each minute of our lives. Are we always on the lookout for these subtleties? Of course not! However, if we quiet our minds, tune in to our subtle energy, and assess how it meshes with our surroundings and relations, we can see so much more about ourselves and those we love, as well as those we do not care for so much. This puts us in touch with what is so necessary for a richer and more fulfilling life. Hopefully we can all discover more of our own intimate intricacies and how they all sculpt the entirely unique and beautiful soul we embody.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Libra
Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
What do we know for sure about those we have close relationships with? We certainly do not know everything about anyone, but we are always realizing new things as we continue to evolve within those relationships. This expansive process is exciting and educational, and anything we learn about someone else we inevitably learn about ourselves. How can we reach new plateaus with our friends and loved ones? Maybe we should make ourselves more aware of how valuable and important they are to us. Maybe we should be more mindful of the boundaries and limitations they have put in place for the sake of their inner security and serenity.
These are tools that are invaluable in relationships that thrive and endure. Compromise can create more opportunities, and sacrifice can instill a greater sense of dedication between us and them. Is there anything we neglect or disregard that should be brought back in to the circle of companionship? We might just be missing something that matters much more to someone than it does to us, and we do not always have enough eyes to see these things. The primary influence today is in recognizing the opportunities available to us if we continue to seek a healthier alignment to the truths that sleep between ourselves and those we love.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini
Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer
The wheels are spinning wildly through our minds today, gripping the outer corners of our brains as they race back into the fray and the fog. We can feel as though so much is expanding and calling out to us that we cannot possibly heed everything and everyone vying for a piece of our action. Words will be spoken today that we must pay close attention to. Perhaps they will point us in a direction we were not anticipating, and we may not want to go, but we can determine that if we home in on our objective discernment and logic. Does it check the boxes we created for ourselves? Are we noticeably making headway on our path of mastery and expansion?
We might walk into a cloud of disillusionment if we do not remain mindful of the pragmatic prospects we conjured during last week’s New Moon. Are we veering off course again? Do we know how to right our ship when it capsizes? Staying true to the hard work we know needs tended to can help dissipate those clouds closing in on us, especially when we integrate our inspiration, our sacrifices, and our dedication to what we truly believe in. And it is high time we emotionally invest in our drive to make everything possible work better than it has before. These are the cards being dealt to us today. Even small steps toward our endgame will get us further than we have ever been before.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer
Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini
Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury in Virgo
Today’s uncanny alignments bring so much potential if we can open ourselves up to the challenges that have been presented to us. These challenges are not for the faint of heart, but if we can align our hearts with the elation that proceeds our efforts, the pain and agony of those efforts will prove well worth the results. Pragmatic focus requires we keep our noses to the grindstone and our eyes vigilant for adjustments and realignments along the way. We can feel called to our ancestors and what we can learn from them today. Perhaps there is an opportunity to recognize their wisdom and how it can help us improve certain facets of our journey.
Do we know how enormous our potential is if we do not consider it? Perhaps we should be spending more time considering our potential and all the avenues we might belong on sooner than later in this life. When risk overwhelms and frightens us, we should step back and make a more thorough analysis of what could go wrong and what could go right. Once we determine whether or not we should take the risk, we proceed fearlessly with confidence, determination, and steady hard work to turn the risk into opportunity.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Moon in Capricorn square Venus in Libra
Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
Alright, people! What are our priorities in life? What order would you put those priorities in? Let’s start there and proceed accordingly, one determined step at a time. The frustrations we might feel toward (or from) others could be linked to incompetence or a lack of commitment to follow through with the work we must be dedicated to. Perhaps someone is skipping steps, cutting corners, or slinking behind curtains to remain hidden. This behavior is sure to be called out, so it’s best we make every effort to follow optimum operating procedures.
Time is of the essence in our quest to actualize our dreams and ambitions, so if we have to work with others today, we must make every effort to remain patient and calm. There could definitely be some agitation between loved ones if someone is not pulling their weight appropriately or trying to help the situation in any way. The way is forward through the forest that can be fraught with danger and chaos, so holding fast to the pious examples of sages past will help ensure we arrive where we intend to be that much more at peace and with joy in our hearts. Our mastery is determined by our inspiration and efforts to raise the bar higher, meet those standards, and make our world a better place for all those who sail with us.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
The incredible rebirths, however small, that occur throughout our lives may often be tickled by Moon’s monthly tenure with Pluto. So much can seem to culminate during these transits, and whether that brings despair or triumph is frequently up to us. Are there strongholds we have been needing to release? Are there missteps that should be gone over again? Did we skip anything to get to where we are? Maybe someone is feeling in trouble today, and maybe that someone is us. Whatever the case, we are likely spending this Saturday realigning that which is out of alignment. So, anything we have been thwarting or not wanting to face will likely rear its face today and demand some form of repercussions.
Alternately, if we have lost something or someone lately, perhaps we are finding a way to work through it and emerge rejoiceful. Painful realities are associated with these transits, but that pain from those realities can be overcome by the strength of our inner resolve and commitment to making our reality stronger and more fortified than ever. May we endeavor to manifest such realities for ourselves in the future.
However we end up navigating this week, there will be improvements made that we can be proud of. Those improvements can inspire us to make even more as time continues to evolve and revolve. No two paths are the same, so what we make of our path is ours to contend with and embrace. Steady determination, some harder work, and above all gratitude and inspiration will combine to unfurl a much more beautiful flower of a life for ourselves than we have ever seen before. Time well spent begets a life well lived.