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September 29 – October 5, 2024

The ongoing saga of our relationships and their deep uncharted regions looms and lulls us through the first few days of the week, eventually bringing us into a magnetic alignment with Sun and Moon (and Mercury) on Wednesday for a Solar Eclipse. The Libra-Scorpio influence imbues the week with a need to face one another more sincerely and lovingly. Committing to this fosters an intention to bring more harmony and acceptance into our lives, thereby instilling more love and healing between our hearts. But the crevasses that lie between our hearts must be plumbed and braved if any sort of metamorphosis can occur. That process comes our way at the end of the week. Instead of dreading it, we should prepare for it and embrace it as a natural means to an end we all desire.


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sun conjunct Moon’s South Node in Libra

Mercury conjunct Moon’s South Node in Libra

Moon in Virgo sextile Venus in Scorpio

Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces


We are coming to terms with some aspects of how we have gone about relating to others for so many years, especially our intimate relationships. There is a correctional facilitation under way, with certain conditioning and tendencies being noticed and addressed. These tendencies can relate to acquiescence and the denial of one’s true desires. When we do not speak up about what we want in a relationship, we lose our voice and personal power to retain self-respect and dignity. Ample communication is this arena is critical for a healthy and thriving relationship, which is amply available today.


It is a good day to address the emotional needs of our loved ones, asking them if they are ok and if they need to talk about anything. Sometimes we just need to get things off our chest to release the tension that has been blocking the flow of love and affection. Is there an underlying issue or condition that needs healed, purified, and reframed? Patterns of frustration and angst can be recognized today as signposts for change.


Furthermore, our trunkful of insecurities could very well be opened today. Do we feel insecure about ourselves? Perhaps we are noticing how much our silent pain and insecurities affect the stabilization of our relationships. Do we cross boundaries, lose control of our emotions, or come down too hard on those we love because of our pain, insecurities, expectations, emotional disturbances, or childhood conditioning? Finding the humility to admit these things is not easy, but doing so helps facilitate increased joy and tranquility in our hearts and in our relationships.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Moon in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

*Mercury conjunct Sun in Libra*


As is often the case, we are feeling the continued influences of yesterday. Rectifications to our emotional and behavioral patterns are being addressed today, perhaps a bit more blatantly, as well as a powerful re-energization of our capacity and willingness to make our relationships function more harmoniously. Basically, the tendencies of old are being exposed for the betterment of all our relations.


Our personal development is always in process, whether we admit to it or not, so we should be open to greater awareness of how our emotional trauma, and how we unconsciously react to those triggers, affects the faculties of our mind and life management. These are deep gorges and fjords that are being navigated, so we must muster our ability to delicately and compassionately journey through them. Placing blame is not the high road approach to reconditioning, it is a method of perpetuating our pain through the temporary appeasement of our egos. Today’s Mercury-Sun cyclic renewal brings an opportunity to reinvigorate our drive to adopt greater balance and harmony within our loving relationships through increased communication, compassion, and encouragement.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn


The perfecting influence of today’s Virgo Moon is working through the very subtle realms of our unconsciousness. If we are vigilant, we can notice an increased desire to elevate our daily routines to function more efficiently and productively. There can even be excitement in the air to bring greater sustainability to our career through these improvements. If we do not pay close enough attention, we may instead feel a sense of overwhelm and confusion from the disarray we neglect tending to. This can be especially prevalent at this time due to tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse.


This kind of overwhelm is not uncommon when Moon makes a challenging aspect to foggy Neptune, especially so near an eclipse, but there is an opportunity available here. We may find ourselves reflecting upon our spiritual practice and how we might bring greater dedication and commitment to it. This can be a metamorphic time to establish some healthy routines relating to such an important part of our lives. Furthermore, practices such as meditation, solitary time in quiet, natural surroundings, or a physical commitment to some form of bodywork all help instill a healthier outlook on life and develop a much deeper appreciation for our own divine connection and even the mundane work we carry out every day.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Moon conjunct its South Node in Libra

*New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra at 2:48pm EDT*

Moon conjunct Mercury in Libra


The themes of our relationship work from earlier in the week are resounding like a pealed bell across the landscape of our lives today. There is a profound infusion of importance being placed upon the health and vitality of how we relate to people and how those relationships are faring overall. Once again, endings and beginnings are acutely afoot, pleading with us to trust in the natural process of creation and destruction. Eclipses are windows of time in which certain things in our lives are revealed to be less within our control than we previously thought. We must succumb to what we discover intuitively and instinctually.


All the hard work we have been putting into developing healthier life management skills inevitably spills over into developing healthier relationships. What we cannot do alone we can do together, and if we build more trust and hope in our relationships, we will find a more peaceful and productive approach to life unfolds for both people in that relationship. We can all work on being more fair and accommodating, but not in a way that strips us of our dignity and identity, more so in a way that helps nurture the love that sails between our hearts. The love and beauty inherent in Venus-ruled Libra emanates through the magnetism of this Sun, Moon, Earth alignment today, with Mercury’s rebirthing presence acting as messenger to show us where to go from here.


The intensity streaming from this electromagnetic trinity in tropical Libra is sure to ignite a desire to come together in harmony and hope for what lies ahead. Are we ready to let go of the older methods, patterns, and behaviors we naively and unconsciously thought would endure? Trusting that more inspiring means of enjoying each other’s company is possible, we can lay down a more confident and substantial intention to allow such radiating serenity to unfurl as the winds pick up. Those intentions need to be deeply rooted in our hearts as sincere desires for a more glorious future for everyone we love and the entire world. May this eclipse bring more peace to this scarred world we live in.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries


As we dissect the effects of yesterday’s eclipse, we can rest assured some honey was produced in the sacred hive we found ourselves in. Such benevolence and opportunity may be revealed to us if we allow ample and open rapport to naturally unfold today. It is not necessarily a time we should be initiating anything of significant importance, but what might come beaming through the ether should not be taken lightly or nonchalantly. After this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Earth’s atmosphere and Moon’s fresh new crescent reflection are sparkling with cleansed ions we can bathe ourselves in. If we pay attention to what is spoken and offered throughout the day, we just might find an auspicious omen worth heeding.


The pain and trauma we have spent so long hiding from, working on, brushing under the rug, confused by, scared of, and all the time wanting to heal and grow from is facing us today. The triggers we react to, the confusion we have tried to adapt to, and the solemn sorrow we have endured all these years will not chain us down forever. This eclipse has eked out an opportunity to reveal to us ways in which we can strengthen our resolve to accept the fate we suffered and forgive the pain inflicted and how much it may have held us back all this time. Today offers a substantial nudge in the direction of healing our personal power through confidence and hope.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces


Naturally, when opportunity knocks we must proceed with caution. Today we may see some frayed edges of our hopeful anticipations, reminding us to be mindful of what we cannot see, control, or understand. The strange mysteries of life seep in like mutant lessons we eventually learn through the trials and struggles of existing in this illusory kingdom of comedy and drama. What is in our way? What must we sacrifice to gracefully accept what we desire? Did we forget how much deeper we need to dig into our unconsciousness in order to avoid skipping what is necessary? Wrapping our hearts and minds around these inevitabilities can act like the armor we need to pull through it all.


And speaking of digging deeper, we are likely in the throes of facing our emotional baggage and how much it affects the relationships we are in. Does the weight of our pain unconsciously create scenarios of us inflicting that pain upon others? What boundaries are we crossing? What truths are we avoiding? Does someone impose their pain and unconscious will upon us? Truth and consequences are surrounding our relationships and waiting for us to accept our fate. We must be kind and mindful today if we are to make any headway together. We have all done wrong, so we need to remember this as we engage with anyone today.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Venus in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer


However the karmic theater played out yesterday is affecting our mood and inner child today. We may find ourselves sullen and sulky, struggling to find any shallow waters to play around in. But deep waters must be voyaged through and endured if the shoreline shallows are to be fully enjoyed and deserved. We may not make it down to the Mariana Trench today, but that does not mean we shouldn’t be prepared for anything to creep up on us out of the shadows and startle our serenity. Revelations come in many forms, such as inspiration, realization, clarity, and secrets, the latter of which is probably the headliner for today’s festival.


What are we learning? How are we growing? What is dying? What is being reborn? This is a perfect day to plumb the depths of our emotional composition to discover what we may have forgotten, hidden, or denied for a long time. We may find ourselves doing this with someone close to us, too. There are profound breakthroughs possible through this process, however. It is not just something to fear or dread facing. We can bring tremendous healing and hope to our fragile, vulnerable souls if we just give ourselves a chance to endure the journey to the bottom of our own personal ocean. Our sacred identity and inner child needs comforted and nurtured through life, so we must commit to such quests if we are to help heal our pain and suffering.


This week’s eclipse acts as a tremendous pull upon our heart strings. It may be a startling yank or a gentle tug, but it is purposefully luring us into the regions we must face if there is to be a solid, choice future for us to enjoy each other in. We may lose something, we may gain something, but we certainly are bound to change something. Hopefully we discover inspirational revelations more than painful secrets, but either will help guide us toward the path we are destined to follow. I can never stress enough just how sacred abiding in loving compassion can be in relationships. May we all accept the fact everyone is flawed and working it out the best we can.

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