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October 27 – November 2, 2024

From pragmatism to magic, we are reconciling the contrasts between the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, the natural and supernatural, and the physical and metaphysical this week. On one hand we need to buckle up and get busy sorting through the haywire that has gotten too tangled, and on the other hand we need to learn how to find the serenity to accept ourselves and others for all we have gone through and learned. Deep inner security can only be acquired through loving connections that help us work through our trauma and teach us how to not just accept ourselves, but keenly appreciate how wise we have all become through everything we have been through. With this Friday’s New Moon in Scorpio, we can build a beautiful new perception of ourselves through the realization that we have grown so much wiser from all we have experienced in our life.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Moon in Virgo square Venus in Sagittarius

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces


Religious dogmas, conspiracy theories, and our take our own piousness or that of another’s, are matters that can arise today, especially between partners. We may not see eye-to-eye on these things, and that can create tension and uneasiness in relationships. Personally, we may be seeking to better our health or establish a more vigorous spiritual practice. If we have a partner, they may not be ready to follow our lead in the same way. Or perhaps our partner is the one making these changes and we are not prepared to follow along. Either way, we should also consider the possibility that some form of meticulousness will be a point of contention today. We can feel pressured to up our game in some organizational or management sector of our lives.


Further consideration should be taken regarding this topic of meticulousness, because we are bound to experience some lackadaisical behavior, and being called out for it could be in the cards. Despite the efficiency and proficiency of the Virgo Moon, something might not seem to be working the way we want it to, so we should be prepared to answer for not performing as well as we otherwise could be. Is someone keeping watch over us and stirring up issues of judgment or retribution? Maybe we should get to the bottom of that and sort those things out.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo sextile Mercury in Scorpio

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn


Perhaps not coincidentally, the extreme themes of meticulousness continues through this highly celestially amplified day. Not only are we contending with more reprimanding avenues to navigate, we could also experience waves of frustration or anger fueled primarily by our emotions, which are bound to be quite overwhelmed and expressive. Being considerate of others and how our words and emotions can affect them could be very hard to come by, so it would be a good day to be productive on our own, if possible.


Working with a partner or spending the entire day with them could prove regrettable, especially if there has been some emotional or sexual tension. The same dogmatic and spiritual themes can surface today, too. Are we all we say we are? Do we walk our talk? At least, if we have a partner, we can be called out for a lack of authenticity or proficiency before such foolishness is recognized by a wider audience, either in the workplace or on social media.


Today can feel like auto-correct is following us around everywhere we go, not just fixing (or not fixing) our typed words, but trying to fix every facet of our life. If there is any way we can avoid scuffles that can escalate, we should do all we can to secure that plan. On the bright side, we are sure to learn more about ourselves and/or someone we care about today, even if it is something we wish was not true.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Moon conjunct its South Node in Libra


Though each day is a new day, cycles are playing out all around us, some rather quickly and some glacially. What we can usually expect is some sort of continuation from previous days, and this day is not an exception. It is not nearly as activated and influential, perhaps, as yesterday, but one thing we are still working with is how much we coalesce to others to keep peace.


Do we bow down to others instead of speaking up about our needs and desires? Are we always insisting upon our choices instead of someone else’s? The darker side of these power dynamics could rear its head out of the loch if we do not open ourselves up to compromise and more thoughtful consideration. Acquiescing may seem like a noble path in the moment, but its consequences can turn back on us very quickly if we are not conscious of our words and actions.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Moon in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries


Today starts off with some relatively relaxing and congenial transits, offering quite a relief from the nitpicking tensions stirred up over the past few days. Hopefully we have amicably resolved any relational concerns and figured out how to better compromise without undue acquiescing. Harmonies are resounding in the unhearable realms surrounding us, so we could very likely be feeling excited for something happening in the future or something we have been giddy about pursuing or learning.


We may feel a little jittery about our sustainability or our ability to manage our finances properly, so we should not entirely expect a vacationy kind of day. How well are we working with others? Are we inspired by someone to raise our bar higher when it comes to our income or our workload? What can we do to better position ourselves financially and professionally so that our future is more pleasurable, enriching, and nourishing? Maybe we need to check in with our resources and our future plans to see how well the two dovetail.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer

Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces


Without being entirely gloomy about today’s challenging T-square between Moon, Mars, and Pluto, we are going to need to actively exercise calm breathing. This is tension that can be very difficult to avoid, control, or even understand. While our anger and frustration might be bubbling over the edge of the cauldron, there is an open and flowing communication line that is tapped into overwhelm, confusion, and delusion. What might be said should be taken with a block of salt, and if we are the one saying anything delusional, we need to check our head, humble ourselves, and express our apologies as soon as we recognize it.


Days like these are best navigated without confrontation, but that is so easy to say and so much more difficult to do. What can we actively concentrate on that will ensure some level of productivity and progress takes place? It is not as though every person on Earth will get angry and lose control of their emotions and pour those feelings all over everyone around them, but it may seem that way if we just run amok on social media or with someone we tend to get in tizzies with. At best, we may figure out what is aggravating someone we care about, and that person could very well be a family member or partner. Maybe we should all preemptively forgive each other when we wake up this morning.


Friday, November 1, 2024

*New Moon at 9° Scorpio at 8:47am EDT*

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


Always a beacon of opportunity for renewal and regeneration, New Moons in Scorpio are when we should be putting out into the winds our desire for rebirth in some area of our life. The changes we can undergo during this timeframe help strengthen our resolve to enhance our conscious awareness of our thoughts and actions. Additionally, we have a chance to deepen and enrich our intimate bonds with those we care about, including new acquaintances in our lives. This can only really occur, however, if both people are willing to expose their vulnerability and openly engage in meaningful conversations.


Perhaps we can find greater solidity to add to the foundations that support our endeavors today, too. Our emotional experiences play an integral part in shaping our identity, so the more we can overcome our fear of being vulnerable with those we trust, the more progress and growth can occur within that relationship, but especially within our relationship to ourselves. So much can be worked out when we are finally willing to go to those sacred inner spaces that have been cloaked in fear for so long. Let’s hold each other’s hand and walk through these struggles together. Trauma does not have to be hidden and suffered alone. Love always wins the day!


Saturday, November 2, 2024

Mercury in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer

Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

*Mercury ingresses Sagittarius*

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces


Before Mercury ingresses Sagittarius, it has a final Scorpionic mission to resolve some emotional matters somewhere inside us. Moon joins the conversation and encourages healthy action to uplift our spirits into a mental and spiritual space of personal acceptance and self-appreciation. We are all scarred and wounded from this life we have lived thus far, but we are also all deeply enrichened and rendered wiser for it, so there is a lot to be grateful for and to look forward to. Wisdom is the song of today, so we should don our genius hat and belt out a hearty tune to celebrate how much wiser we have become after all these years.


What sacred knowledge or inspiration have we learned or experienced that has taken us places we never knew existed? Those sparkling crackles in the outer reaches of our inner space broke through boundaries and barriers we fooled ourselves into thinking were permanent. Every time we expand our consciousness in these ways, intentionally or not, we seem to prove our otherwise bleak outlook wrong.


We should undoubtedly learn from how often we have fooled ourselves into thinking these limitations are fixed. They are not! Life teaches us there are so many ways we can break down the walls that keep us from seeing what is waiting for us on the other side of them. Those walls are simply constructs of our consciousness limiting us out of fear and manipulation. We are all imbued with the magic to overcome those fears.


“There is a road. No simple highway. Between the dawn and the dark of night. And if you go, no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone.” These sacred words of Robert Hunter’s remind us how individual our experiences are, but the last line of this beautiful song, “...if I knew the way, I would take you home,” iterates just how important it is that we all remember the value of being here for each other when we need someone to hold our hand. So much of this week’s lessons, as has been the case for a couple of weeks now, is about working with the polarities of order and chaos, but more specifically depression and inspiration. When we lose hope for the future, we build walls that inhibit not just forward progress but also our ability to see what is possible. Let’s set out to break down these walls as this week’s New Moon in Scorpio regenerates our capacity for inspiration and hope.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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