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October 2 - 9, 2022

Mercury stations direct on Sunday, redirecting our reflective few weeks to an increasingly active approach. When a planet stations retrograde or direct, it appears as though it is not moving at all across the celestial sphere. Eventually, however, the planet does begin to move quicker and quicker in one direction or the other (retrograde or direct). Once Mercury begins to pick up steam, more and more action and communication can take place. Because Mercury stations in Virgo, we are called to put finishing touches on anything that was put on hold, left unanswered, or forgotten. Virgo wants to plan, organize, finalize, and correct whatever has been on the table, so it’s time to get our game back on and make things work as best we can. However, because Mercury is stationing opposite Neptune, it may be challenging to get our game back on as much as we want to. The lesson here is to trust in the flow that the pieces will find their way where they belong, all while doing our best to guide and direct them there. Keyword: FOCUS!

Saturn comes as close to a final square with Uranus as it will get until Saturn catches up to Uranus in 2032. As mentioned before, this square is bringing a final challenge to our capacity to restructure self-sustainment, including finances, farming, real estate, and even our physical bodies. We are expanding our vessels to be able to retain higher standards in all these matters. On a mundane level, the global economy, food chain, natural resources, and the planet herself have been especially feeling the weight of this square since it began in February 2021. As the final near-square culminates this week, the effective woes that seem global in these arenas will be noticeable again, but take heart that all things pass, including transits like these. It’s important to understand that new approaches and positive growth in these issues are brought forward for the greater good when Saturn is in Aquarius. It’s just that we often need to struggle through the mire before we get to the meadows and mountain tops. How are your personal resources and capacity for self-sustainment being challenged? How do you plan to improve upon them? Are you incorporating new innovative techniques to better your standard of living, reduce waste, grow your own food, or strengthen your body?

As Moon transits Pluto in Capricorn late Monday night, we are seeking deeper rhythms, awakening shadows, and hopefully aspiring to achieve new levels of greatness and rebirth. Though these transits can be shadowy, we need to recognize our darkness so we can accept it and compassionately hold space for learning a great deal from it, either alone or with loved ones. As Moon continues through Aquarius on Tuesday and Wednesday, whatever we picked up on during Moon’s time in Capricorn can elevate our consciousness and inspire visions and dreams for our future. Again, Aquarius wants to raise awareness, raise consciousness, and raise standards. It wants to improve the world in out-of-the-box and unusual ways. As Moon meets up with Saturn in Aquarius Wednesday afternoon, we will be feeling the square mentioned in the above paragraph. Our resources and capacity for self-sustainment and improvement will be center stage. Pay attention to all the ways we can make the process and structure of our lives work to our advantage, and to the advantage of our friends and communities. Get together with like-minded people on Tuesday to discuss the elevation of the collective consciousness.

Friday night we find Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, which is always an indication for not pushing the river. If we can spend the week organizing our life’s processes, with the help of the now-forward moving Mercury in Virgo, we can take a deep breath on Friday as Moon approaches Neptune in the heavens. We should unwind, let go, and trust in the flow of life. A good time to talk with close friends about spiritual matters, or to go inward and listen carefully to your inner voice through meditation and yoga, or similar practices. It would be best to be extra vigilant while driving Friday night, as Moon and Neptune in Pisces oppose Mercury and square Mars. Even though you might feel in control, you never know if someone else isn’t.

And finally, on Saturday Moon meets back up with Jupiter in Aries, reminding us once again about our visions and goals for the future that were set in motion back in May. It is such a ripe time to bring them back into focus and get ourselves grounded again in order to manifest them through right action, determination, and hard work. Always a rebirth, Moon in Aries reignites our inner flame and brings renewed passion and drive into our lives. Let’s bring our dreams to life!

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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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