This week sails us through the straits of sensuality, inspiration, and nurturing ourselves and our loved ones more than we have been. There is depth and excitement to our imagination in the middle of the week that is sparked by Mercury’s anaretic aspect to Neptune followed by its ingress to Leo and opposition to Pluto. Taking time to allow our imaginations to flourish will certainly help establish a healthier outlook on our future, thus better preparing us for Friday’s New Moon in Cancer. There can be some resistance in relationships, but once we make mutual efforts to nurture and understand each other we are bound to feel inspired by where we are going together.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius
This lone, stubborn aspect could cramp our Sunday style, but if we dig our heels into some gardening, financial planning, bodywork, or culinary delights, our experience today will be much less irritating and tenacious. There can also be a resistance to change that is not uncommon among most of us, but today especially we are all likely more inclined to stick to the things that we know and love most.
That said, while we are focused and meditating on our familiar tasks it would not hurt to ponder how we may be able to improve upon those facets of our lives. Can we enhance our garden? Should we consider newer technology or more advanced methods of banking or investing? Is there a breathing exercise, new posture, or unexplored bodywork practice we might want to try out? Staying away from confrontation is not always possible, but we should be prepared for incorrigible rebuttals.
Monday, July 1, 2024
Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus
Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer
Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
The tension remains a bit charged this morning, but if we harness it wisely we can encourage ourselves and others to better focus upon the tasks at hand. Any handiwork, carpentry, or new household projects are worth pursuing today, though probably best done alone. The continuance of stubborn tendencies remains for the better half of the day, so putting our blinders on and earbuds in until this afternoon is not a bad idea.
Later in the day, Moon’s midpoint sextiles can spark some important and perhaps emotional conversation about our living situation. Is the home we live in where we want to stay long-term? Do we want to move? Do we want to move in together? Is our lifestyle draining our resources? These are pertinent questions to ask as we slip into the night for some cozy jams and nesting snuggles.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
*Neptune stations retrograde at 29° Pisces*
Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
*Mercury ingresses Leo*
Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
Though we might encounter a turn of events today that catches us off guard, we are not without a laid back vibe to absorb it. Our minds might seem a little mushy, confused, or out on another planet, but this will gradually pass throughout the day and tomorrow. The good thing about it is we can really tap into some intuitive understandings about the harmony of the natural wonders of the universe. There is a very enhanced psychic sensitivity that permeates the collective consciousness, so if we allow ourselves the silence and stillness to listen we might discover revelations we were not expecting.
Mercury’s Leo ingress promises our minds will shift a bit into planning for some more fun and creativity in our lives. If we have been pondering the possibility of starting a new creative pursuit, it is quite likely we will begin to give that a lot more serious thought. What we create becomes something of a legacy, especially if we follow through with it until we experience a sense of exhilaration from it. What exactly does thrill us, captivate us, and make us want to howl for joy into the stars around a bonfire? Let’s follow our imagination and see where it takes us!
Speaking of imagination, we may find deep pools of inspiration in the cool windy wells of our shadows and secrets. Though at first mention this may be an unassuming place for inspiration, sometimes the deepest trenches that have been carved into our psyches are chock full of material for creativity. The greatest poets, painters, and musicians have dipped their bucket into the deep wells of their souls for millennia, so diving down inside ourselves may reveal some startling waves of magic rippling up to greet us.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
Our inquisitive minds are offered quite an array of opportunities today to discover more of the deep, unique realms of our psyche. We are all strange, so why not embrace all the different ways we are strange? These realms were likely tapped into yesterday for inspiration, and inspiration may indeed be what we find when we continue to roam these strange and beautiful fathoms today. Considering our capacity for creativity when there is ample inspiration, every rock in our minds should be turned over in search of such sacred sparks.
There is also a good chance we will find ourselves having a conversation with someone about emotional topics that may be difficult to discuss. While the chances of such a conversation are high, the desire for one is probably not on the top of our list. However, we might actually find some enjoyment dissecting the things that we find fun, exciting, and creative. As long as the conversation is geared toward positivity and an opportunity to learn and grow through the darker, shadowy corners of ourselves then we are heading in the right direction. Intensity can flare up if we are not careful, so abiding by the terms of the heart is called for in this situation.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
Trauma we have endured may spill over into the forefront of our minds today, conceivably crippling our forward motion on whatever project or work-related tasks need to be accomplished. It is very difficult to focus on these things when we are emotionally destabilized. And though we may not find ourselves entirely destabilized, there can seem to be a fog hazing over the clarity and serenity we might prefer or expect. Instead of getting frustrated about the fog or the trauma reminders, we can embrace these as something to learn from. What is it about our traumas that maybe spilled over into our consciousness? If we were to let go of any expectations, does clarity once again flood our minds?
These wavering possibilities hold a valuable key to discovering more about how we have shaped our path as a result of our pain and suffering. Is there something we can do about where we go from here? How we go from here? Perhaps if we challenge ourselves to find mistakes in the landscape of choices we made in our past we just might come across some revelations that point us in new and healthier directions. It seems today could be a good day to learn more about ourselves, despite the struggle to go to these places.
Friday, July 5, 2024
Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
*New Moon at 14° Cancer at 6:57pm EDT*
Though today is a New Moon, which is typically a good time to start new endeavors and set new intentions, any efforts to take substantial action on anything today will likely be met with road blocks, setbacks, or some version of the universe telling us today is not the day. This is not to say we should not set new intentions, but attempting any literal acts to set those intentions in motion should be set aside for another day. Sometimes the driving force of Mars is tamed and subdued by its sign or aspect, and in this case it is both.
What kinds of new intentions and beginnings are we sculpting in our minds? Are there emotional woes to contend with? Is there some way we can learn how to better nurture ourselves and others? Maybe we should make plans to spend a little more time with our family and relatives. Whatever the case, the pace of what we intend to do will very likely be more glacial than not, even if it is days or weeks into the future. But this should not dissuade us from following that course of action. Sometimes such a pace helps ensure we embrace and unfold the entirety of such endeavors, leaving no stone unturned, if you will. Feeling into our intentions for the inner wisdom sleeping there will undoubtedly help fortify our efforts in the days and weeks to come. Let’s listen carefully!
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer
Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon’s medley of activations with other planets today helps bolster the intentions we set during yesterday’s New Moon. While it is still not ideal to set a lot of things in motion, we are at a good stage for processing the journey that lies ahead to manifest the changes we are emotionally committing ourselves to. We are also contending with the intentions of others close to us and how their intentions might affect our own. Do we feel like certain boundaries need to be addressed in our relationships? Have we neglected to address any abuse, trauma, or wrongdoings by others for fear of their reactions? Maybe it is time we stand up for ourselves and share our feelings.
It should be no surprise that with such an active Cancer Moon today we will be feeling deeply into whatever is conjured. As mentioned above, of primary potential is certainly our relationships and how caring and nurturing we are to one another. Is there a reciprocal amount of affection displayed and conveyed between partners? Have we lost sight of how valuable affection is between two people? If we spend a lot of time with someone, sometimes we forget to touch, caress, hug, kiss, and embrace them. It never hurts and it almost always helps, so reminding ourselves of this today can help bring back a little love and affection that may have gone astray somewhere behind us.
Taking all the time we need to set the best intentions for this week’s New Moon in Cancer will undoubtedly reap important and valuable rewards for those relationships in the future. Despite quite an active Gemini Moon, there is a good deal of patience needed to help us make it through the early and later parts of the week. The themes are planning a healthier and more nurturing future, embracing our unique and strange minds and inner worlds, and establishing a more nurturing and protective environment for those we love. We are constantly emotionally maturing, so we must always be patient with ourselves and our loved ones as we all learn these fraying ropes and the complex array of uncertainty.