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June 23-29, 2024

This can be a very exciting week to implement the inspirational findings of the week before. We are building a future we believe in, and this requires a steadfast adherence to our personal integrity and authenticity. More inspiration is on its way, but we are sure to stumble upon emotional and relational upheavals and detours that can distract and deter us from our motivations. Finding balance and maturity is not easy, but there are valuable lessons therein that help us walk the most ideal and venerable path forward into our triumphant future.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces


Today’s back-to-business Capricorn Moon realigns our consciousness with the hopefully enjoyable work we do. Taking time to organize our thoughts, plans, and strategies for what lies ahead on our agenda will make tomorrow a much more productive day. Do we know what needs to be accomplished? Have we forgotten something important? The ground beneath us is solid today, so utilizing that secure footing can help get our heads back in the game. The responsibilities are calling, and we must go!


Forging ahead into our work is not always about our career or making money. It is also about the inner work and how that affects our capacity to thrive in the outside world. We all face challenges from many fronts throughout our lives, and sometimes those challenges are subtle, quiet struggles we grapple with within. The lessons we open ourselves up to learning about are always available to us, so if we put down our defensive egos to better glimpse how to follow through, we just might come out victorious. We just have to keep going, even when the trauma and pain creep in at the worst times.


Finally, we can feel inspired today by what we hope to accomplish in the future. Spiritual insights and flashes from unexpected places can help reinforce our commitment to the work we do, perhaps shifting our tack toward a slightly different heading. The winds, both inner and outer, do not always blow in from the same direction, so we should be prepared for any sudden changes.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus


There is a hope this morning that stretches out across the vast landscape into a beyond we likely will feel compelled to dream about. All the winds may feel as though they are gently blowing against our backs, pushing us into those new dawns of our dreams. However, it is wise to always remember that when life looks like easy street there is danger at your door. This is never to say that we do not deserve a blessed life filled with wonderful days, but life is life, and we have to understand that shifts happen. Shifts that are beyond our control.


Those shifts can arrive as early as this evening, as a matter of fact, when Moon squares Mars in fixed signs. This can feel very testy, in a way that actually feels like a test. Can we weather the stark gradation from a beautiful morning to a conceivably frustrating evening? What is likely going to feel tested is our resolve to upgrade certain facets of our lives in order to provide sincere and lasting sustainability. And by that I do not necessarily mean our financial sustainability, but more so the sustainability of our physical and mental health, our commitment to our goals and ambitions, and the overarching theme of whether or not we can continue to live our day-to-day lives the way we have lived them for however long.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus


Just as yesterday’s stark contrasts may have thrown us up and down the roller coaster, today might by very similar. As Moon traverses the celestial sphere around us, it activates the same planets by different aspects every few days, which means similar themes remain in play, only they might resolve, fall apart, or find new tidbits of challenges or possibilities. Today opens up with a productive bent toward our fighting spirit. Not the aggressive kind, just our gumption to manifest what we deeply and reverently want to see happen to us. We have what it takes, but are all cylinders firing? Is the compression in the chambers strong and balanced enough to see it happen? Let’s make progress in that direction!


Perhaps reluctantly wriggling into the evening, we again can feel a tension not unlike yesterday evening. The stakes seem to be high, the standards need to be raised, and the wherewithal to see what these stakes and standards are and should be are staring us in the face. How are we going to enjoy life as much as we have if we make changes we are afraid of making? Why bother? Well, will they affect our relationships? Will they affect our work? Will they bring a heightened state of consciousness or clarity that can help stabilize our otherwise volatile emotional condition? This is a beautiful day to let go of something for something better in exchange.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Venus in Cancer square Moon’s Nodes

Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Pisces trine Venus in Cancer


Feelings are swarming everywhere today. The windows that open up onto the vast expanse surrounding us expose the immense beauty and majestic landscape we need to soak in and cherish, because it is difficult to not get hung up on our inside emotions. Our relationships may be in need of mutual introspection to decipher how we each sincerely want to proceed, but how they affect our authenticity can be blurred by the haze of the heavens. Thus, seeing ourselves clearly requires we look within.


It is a good day to sit down with deeply sincere intentions to discuss our feelings with as much absence of judgement as possible. We might find our boundaries do not quite align with our partner’s boundaries. Or perhaps we are sitting down with ourselves for a deeply introspective meditation to discover what our boundaries are, what our intentions are, and ultimately how we perceive our intimate identity. Are we at peace with ourselves? Do we cherish our time alive and alone? Perhaps we need to address our shame and guilt about whatever plagues our self-consciousness. Do we really deserve to feel terrible about things that likely only make us human? Forgiveness starts with ourselves. If we cannot find it in us to forgive ourselves, how can we forgive others?


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces trine Mercury in Cancer

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus


Our impulses can carry us through today quite serendipitously. When the two timekeepers meet in Pisces, we feel our way instinctively as though our plans are virtually unnecessary. Along the way, however, we should be keeping close watch on those impulses. Do we recognize anything about them that are out of alignment with our moral compass? Have we neglected to address behaviors that seem ill-fated? Doing the right thing is often a subjective issue, but if we listen intently to our hearts, our needle will begin to point in the best direction for us.


So much of Moon-Saturn aspects, especially when conjunct, have to do with identifying with our code of ethics, seeing the universal truths, and learning to better abide by them. It is as though we can reconfigure the internal wiring schematics in our psyches in order to better manage our impact upon the world. How are we faring in our efforts to become a respected leader, mentor, and authority in our field of work? Do we make the grade? Have we broken any oaths? How to repair these possible quandaries is at stake today.


Furthermore, the gig of life is sometimes upended by unexpected turns of events. And welcoming these is sometimes not easy when we are not prepared for them. This sort of experience can unfold today, throwing us into a new arena of uncertainty. Like every unexpected event, however, we are better off avoiding frustration to instead embrace what fate has in store for us. Today can be another lesson in humility to let go of our grasp on expectations, trust the natural order of spirit, and follow its guidance through the day and beyond.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


This highly activated day of aspects reestablishes our desirous aspirations that drive us toward our highly anticipated goals. But first, we check in with our deep intuitive life force to finalize what, where, and how we will follow through with. As we worked on settling a few days ago, we must learn to better adjust to accepting our flaws and unique quirks and instead embrace them in order to find our unique path of mastery. So often we are told to follow our dreams and we will achieve them, which is quite cliché and even shallow. There is so much more to what this entails.


First, we must identify with what we sincerely love. This requires a level of solitude, quietude, and time to acquire. But once we know in our hearts what we love, we can begin to plot a path toward attaining whatever those things are. That path, though, is fraught with tremendous effort, sacrifice, and gumption. Today, we are afforded an opportunity to witness our heart’s desires, carve a bold plan to manifest and sustain them, and find ourselves that much further along than we thought we were.


The mix of emotional and intellectual stimulation is exciting and transformative today. What we need and what we want are not always the same thing, so discerning the two will show us much more of what we are up against when it comes to the challenges that lie ahead. But reveling in our soul purposes can be an exhilarating experience, so creating a solid foundation upon which those purposes can flourish should be the most important plan of action today. Our bodies and emotions have the answers. We just have to listen and abide.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Moon in Aries square Venus in Cancer

*Saturn stations retrograde at 19° Pisces*

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


Our independence may seem to vanish in the haze this morning, usurped by emotional dramas that often interfere with our life’s work. Reconciling such dramas requires time, psychic energy, and emotional maturity to help iron out the wrinkles. This is exhausting and frustrating, but we must not avoid the process of growing wiser, which is an invaluable result of such drama. We can glean clues about what needs to be worked out before we proceed again down our path of awakening.


Like all seemingly messy entanglements with others, somewhere there is a silver lining that encapsulates a lesson. In due time, we recognize those lessons and utilize them as rungs on the ladders we climb. Eventually, we make it up to the top and can see exactly who or what has been calling us all these years. Today we should uphold our courage and bravery by finding and holding on to our own creative pursuits, not the creative pursuits someone else thinks or wants us to have. Once we embody that bravery, we are sincerely on our way to the fulfillment we desire.


Saturn is stationing retrograde today, providing an additional keen lens to focus on our diligence, integrity, and aspirations. It is the beginning of a five month window to help reestablish these facets of our journey toward our goals. We should embrace this time by turning inward upon those goals to refine them, restructure them, and design a new, more solid, foundation. It is as though we are deconstructing what we have built thus far in order to notice where we can make improvements for a stronger infrastructure moving forward.


The whims of emotional dramas can be very upsetting and injurious to our lucidity and determination in life. And while some of those dramas are unnecessary and foolish, many are not without purpose. Holding on tight to the bravery and courage we have garnered through all the struggles and challenges we have encountered, can enable us to sustain the motivation and commitment to seeing our mastery through. Recalibrating the infrastructure of our life is at hand, so maintaining what wisdom and maturity we have developed all these years will help us rebuild a better life.


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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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