This can seem like a week of trial and redemption, though the latter may need some focus and intention to really shine through. There are quite a few tense, squaring aspects to contend with early in the week, bringing quite a few long moments of uncertainty and emotional disturbances. But eventually those dense clouds lift and drift away, bringing blue skies and adventurous opportunities back into our lives. This is not to say the first few days are going to be terrible, they just might find us a little more on edge or unsure than we want to be. If we remember to stay grounded, embodied, and mindful of our hearts, we are sure to find excitement, joy, and harmony.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius
Moon in Scorpio square Venus in Leo
Friday’s relationship tension can be expounded today by Moon’s transits. What we have been keeping to ourselves may need to come up for some air to breathe new life into our future. Relationships are nearly always not without tension, and sometimes that tension helps drive the relationship into new territories and new breakthroughs, which is what the ultimate ideal is at this time. Are there any potential fixtures in our lives that may need to be unchained and set free? Pondering such fixtures might help solve some long-term stagnancy in our lives.
This affects our personal lives, too. We have to always contend with our own ruts and unyielding ways, so when the time comes where such struggles make themselves known and noticeable, we would do very well to recognize and change whatever we can to help our own lives progress less attached and less chained to our habits, addictions, and otherwise unhealthy tendencies. What are we hiding from? What are we afraid of? Do we already know what we should do to improve our life? Needless to say that today can be a bit challenging and frustrating if we need to work with others a lot.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Tension from yesterday can carry over again today, making for a rather less-than-ideal start to our week. But there are always opportunities within the tense aspects we face. Today’s opportunity is centered around the revelations we might notice regarding our soul’s purpose and desires in life. Are we already engaging in what feels like our passion and calling? If we are not, something can trigger us today, hopefully in a good way. We are concerned with our sense of security and how secure we are with our identity. How do we identify with what we do, what we desire, and what we love? If we pay close attention, we might discover something very important we will not want to forget, because it could shine a bright beam of light upon our dreams and aspirations.
Tying into the revelations that can help us glean a little more clarity about our calling and what we wish to master, today’s Mars-Uranus conjunction starkly signals a good old fashioned call to action. What we need to do to make our lives better in many ways requires work, as we are all aware, but sometimes the work can be exciting, unpredictable, and beautiful. The gist of this conjunction is rooted in acknowledging, refining, and actively improving upon our financial sustainability, our sense of security, and especially what we love and value most in our life. There is opportunity for new paths to be forged and exciting events to take place. We just need to stay calm, cool, and collected, because there is also potential for misplaced anger, aggressive stubbornness, and getting frustrated that things are not going as quickly as we want them to. Drive carefully out there!
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Moon in Scorpio Square Mercury in Leo
Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and Mars in Taurus
Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius
Moon pulls out all the tough stops through its tenure in Scorpio, so rest assured you are not alone if today, and the last couple of days, are exhaustingly challenging. There are certain activations today that seem to culminate, though they are just ongoing dances of cycles. Communication can be a bit passive-aggressive this morning, so we should blunt our words and stay mindful of our love and affection. Egos are so fragile and vulnerable, so if we can realize that about our own, we should realize it about others. Being stuck in our ways is no way to be open minded about the ways of others.
We are also experiencing a very distinct reflection of our call to action from yesterday. And while a certain call may not have initiated, we might discover what that is today, after we have had a chance to work through some less-than-conscious experiences and mindsets. How can we make our situation better than it has been in a long time? What suffering, secrets, or obstacles must we overcome to get there? Maybe some time alone in the dark stillness of evening can reveal what we have been carrying unconsciously within for so long.
And it is that unconsciousness that holds a key to a kingdom we relish and pine to return to. It is the womb of life where all is provided, protected, and peaceful. While we cannot get there until our next life is preparing to launch, we can catch some tasty waves in the meantime. What is the value and importance of drifting across the universe? Perhaps the waves of love and joy we try to find and ride are the most important experiences we go through. Let’s seek to find how well we can manifest love and joy in our lives more often!
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Moon in Sagittarius trine Venus in Leo
Moon in Sagittarius trine its North Node in Aries
Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini
After a conceivably rocky few days, we are reprieved with a delightful and adventurous Sagittarius Moon expanding our horizons and releasing much of that previous tension. Our hearts can awaken today to find out what more is possible inside those shiny, magical rhythm makers. We feel intuitive, festive, and lively, hoping that what came before can be sorted out peacefully and lovingly with a healthy opportunity for new visions and ideas to flourish.
Opportunities usually show up when we need them and when we are ready for them. Those we do not risk taking may show up again some other time when we are more willing and ready to take the risk. If we can see past the quagmire that was churned up over the weekend, the skies will begin to clear and shine for us to better see our way forward. It is so hard to see that path when the challenges are among us, but as the angst and weight release their hold upon us, we are once again free to see more clearly.
Willingness requires courage and risk, so if we feel willing and able, we should keep a close eye out for opportunities to present themselves today and tomorrow. They will likely show up in conversation or while traveling. Is there a new location we have been thinking about moving to? Maybe the ball will begin to roll much faster in a certain direction, hopefully a positive, uplifting, and evolutionary direction. With Mars fresh off the heels of joining Uranus in the sign of real estate, opportunities in this area are even more likely. Look around to see what you love!
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Leo and Chiron in Aries (Grand Trine)
It never hurts to have a healthy reality check before we sign on a dotted line or put all our eggs in one basket, and this is the vitamin we are receiving this morning. Do we know for sure that whatever we may be about to commit to is going to work? Will it cross any boundaries? Is it aligned with our ethics and inner truth? We may need to consider a few details and some deep-hearted conclusions before we move further on down our path into the wild unknown.
There are indeed a lot of needles pointing toward our destiny at this time, we just need to listen carefully if we want to learn how to follow through the best we can. The security of our inner child is at stake, and we do not want to pass up any chance we get to assure its continued comfort and exhilaration to be alive. Are there bodywork, self-care, or any other comfort-ensuring techniques we want to start cycling into our repertoire? Making life better, more efficient, and especially more lucid and inspiring is the theme of today, so perhaps we can challenge ourselves to duly note what we need to take care of to get to where we wish to be.
And where we wish to be could quite possibly appear before us today like a fiery zap from on high. If we do indeed have some enlightening moment like this, it would be wise to seek counsel regarding its legitimacy and feasibility, but listening to our own heart and intuition will help us delineate enough to know if it is the right move. It may be that we are in desperate need of healing old wounds and we suddenly realize some brilliant method to do just that. If there are any looming shifts looping through our hearts and minds, today might just spark those loops to stop repeating themselves so that action can be made toward our goals and healing.
Friday, July 19, 2024
Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Venus in Leo trine Moon’s North Node in Aries
Moon in Capricorn square its Nodes in Libra/Aries
What is our spiritual intention? What is our spiritual practice? Are we religious? Are we dogmatic? Have we been misled in any way? Have we neglected our divine connection? These are questions we may face as we start our day. Maybe it is time we begin aligning or realigning with the sacred in our life. In this way, something might seem incredibly poignant and cogent, inspiring us to seek greater meaning and understanding. Anything that may have seemed off or forsaken for however long can reappear from out of nowhere today, even a special person in our life.
Such a person could actually help remind us of a track we once were on but drifted away from. There is excitement and a certain longing for harmonious progress that encourages us to find our way on the road to find out. And while these kind of feelings and moments can be short, fleeting bursts that are difficult to follow through with, we should savor every one of them, because they enlighten our hearts to proceed with more serenity, poise, and gratitude for the tremendous beauty of life, despite the opposition and suffering we inevitably face so often.
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
*Mars ingresses Gemini*
Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
Just before Mars crosses into Tropical Gemini, it makes a compelling and very dynamic sextile to Neptune. Mars has been wanting to launch across the city at 90 mph for the past month and a half, and this final moment of reluctant stalling and stagnancy could very well be undulating through our bodies like a horse in the turnstiles. But we must consider the innate, and likely unconscious, value of this transit. Have we taken the time to plan a more sustainable and profitable future? Is there something we would like to do more publicly? Have we landed somewhere spiritually that has helped calm and meaningfully tranquilize our otherwise aggravating tendencies? Let’s reflect before the light turns green!
Go! Though ingresses do not always induce immediate effects, Mars may be most likely to do so, especially as it transitions from slow, bull-headed Taurus to zippy, bubble-brained Gemini. This puts fire into our psyche and stimulates our thought processes to race out of the gates ready to figure out all of those myriad things we have not been able to think liberally enough about. It is like a fast-talking cartoon character just usurped our minds and wants to see the world it has been kept from for so long. We are bound to begin feeling very inspired to learn about a lot of new and exciting things!
As evening settles in, there can be some personal healing issues we are drawn to address. How much progress have we made healing ourselves from our trauma? It can be so painful trying to overcome all our insecurities that we often give up and just live with them, hiding from our greater potentials. But we are always capable of standing up and making headway if we find the courage and have a potent intention to do so. Perhaps we can ponder our trauma, insecurities, intentions, and courage today in preparation for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Capricorn and the Moon-Pluto reunion in Aquarius, where we can shine our new glow and emerge from the ashes of our past.
This is a week of challenges that need to be faced, positive growth, and hopefully redemption from the thickening agents stirred into our pot early in the week. Through all the tension that may unfold in the early part of the week, we can remind ourselves that there is always a release on the way. Furthermore, whatever we somehow need to suffer through is always bound to contain a sacred lesson somewhere deep inside it. We are sure to find those spots of wisdom if we practice kindness and serenity, and abide by the natural laws and truths already nestled softly in our hearts.