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February 2-8, 2025

There are so many opportunities this week to make moves into exciting new places and perspectives, so we should prepare to have our consciousness shifted and expanded at some point along the way. The most important call for caution, however, is that we must take every step we can to not rush rashly into any exciting new territories. We must force ourselves to pull back on the reins just enough to analyze our surroundings and any potential consequences before moving ahead. Later in the week, we will likely begin to make more sense of what our hearts desire, as well as how those desires may affect, or be affected by, those who are close to us. Cultivating sincerity, unconditional love, and unwavering support should be on our agendas.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius

Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini


We can get a really good jump on things today. There is motivation and excitement to intellectually expand our perspectives and possibilities. Our minds can be racing today with this kind of excitement, so we should plan on applying our minds to these things as much as possible. We should be careful, however, that we think through any otherwise rash decisions, because we can be prone to act before thinking when Moon is in Aries.


It would be a good idea, too, to reflect upon the new choices and visions we have created for ourselves to see how we feel about them. Are we so excited about them that we are not seeing the potential flaws or downfalls or humiliation that may arise from them? These are reasons enough to reel it in a little bit and consider all the risks within the opportunities. Perhaps we are intuitively inclined to follow our hearts and passions with such an appetite that we do not care if other things may fall apart in the process. But we would be wise to consider our consequences, whatever the actions that lie ahead may be.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aries square Mars in Cancer

Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries


The matches that were struck on the New Moon have lit an inner fire that is blazing in all its glory today. In many ways this is a pivotal fire that can burn up our exhausted methods of perceiving our lives, but it is also pivotal because it is inspiring the generation of entirely new ideas and avenues we wish to explore. It is like a new road we have never been down before that leads us to subsequent new roads in new territories with new scenery and people and ways of living we had never imagined before.


Despite these exciting new fires burning in our restless souls, things might feel off in ways that agitate us. Someone may challenge any number of our passions and new ideas, thereby conceivably crumbling our hopes for their manifestation. We should be careful not to get too worked up over these challenges. They might actually be presenting themselves to us so that we might consider possibilities or consequences we had overlooked thus far. It is, nevertheless, a most formidable and ripe time to sow new seeds of desire. The initiation of actively pursuing these creative desires will surely help elevate us to levels of expertise and mastery, especially if we pay close attention to all the details of our vision as it unfolds in our imagination.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

*Venus ingresses Aries*

*Jupiter stations direct in Gemini*

Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Aquarius


Our recent shifts in perspective have led to shifts in our everyday lives. These shifts have been the result of months of reflection upon what we know and understand, and how we should learn much more than we already know about so many things. When we second guess certain jobs we do, methods we take, or habits and routines we have etched into the glass of our lives, it is usually time to consult the oracle of our hearts and guts to decipher what our souls are trying to tell us. What do we want to do differently? Which direction looks desirable and which direction does not feel good anymore?


This is another opportune day to listen carefully to our heart’s desires. The volume dial on the amplifier of those desires has been cranked all the way to 11, and we love what is pouring out of those speakers so much we cannot imagine something could disrupt us at this point. But we should all know by now that “when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door” (Robert Hunter). Venus entering Tropical Aries signals the beginning of a season of passionate pursuit of passionate desires, but we must be reminded that this can make fools of the best of us. When we go for it without considering any consequences, we end up with so many more regrets than we might have if we thought things through more thoroughly.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces


These are the days of stabilizing our resources and securing the sustainability of our lifestyle. What we hold dear to us in this respect is perhaps in need of some scrutiny for the sake of confidence and trust in our path forward. The stability we seek is contingent upon our wherewithal to sustain the means necessary to not just eat and stay warm, but to maintain peace in our hearts and joy in our daily lives. This is all most likely well known to us, but how we might be able to incorporate new means to meet new ends to continue down this new direction is suspended somewhere in limbo between the unknown and spontaneous revelation. How far can we see ahead to notice what we might need to get there? Most importantly, do we love what we see up ahead?


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

Neptune conjunct Moon’s North Node in Pisces


What do we have to say? How well do we listen? The messages we receive through casual conversations may not be as compelling as messages we receive through intuition or daydreams, but anything distinctly unique to our otherwise ordinary days should be unpacked and considered potent fodder for our minds. When deeply personal and sensitive Moon is traversing Tropical Gemini, and especially joining Jupiter, there can be a prevalent recognition that there is so much more to learn than we already know. And what there is to learn should be considered sacred knowledge to help us better understand life and our place and purpose in it. Let’s allow ourselves the freedom to expand our consciousness in the areas of life we have grown more fascinated by. Maybe then we can see a more clear path forward and build more trust in life.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini trine Mercury in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


Today might involve some tension, disagreements, tough decisions, or agitating news, but it is not without purpose or value to us. When we find ourselves enmeshed in a quarrel, there if often an underlying reason for it, but usually we cannot see that in the heat of the moment. This calls for greater awareness in the moments of tension that might arise. Relationships are becoming more noticeably pushed into uncharted seas of new experiences and mutations, and the process to get there can be fraught with turmoil and resistance on so many fronts. How we speak to one another should be of greatest importance, and today might feel like a live, unscripted test of our patience, humility, and compassion. Working out our boundaries and hopes requires we pay close attention to all of these virtues.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square Venus in Aries

Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries


Do we spend a little too much time drifting and dreaming? Do we neglect certain aspects of our lives unknowingly? How can we possibly grow more aware of all the things we disregard if we do not learn to listen more carefully to those who love and care about us? This can, of course, trigger passive-aggressive and codependent behavior if that love and care is not unconditional and true. Perhaps those displays of love and care are masks to hide agendas that ensnare us and pacify our optimism for our future.


The safety, security, and nurturing inherent in today’s Cancer Moon is challenged by a fiery and passionate Venus in Aries. We are all perhaps feeling a little bit like our relationships are getting in the way of our desires and dreams. Maybe this calls for some conversations that rise above the ensnaring traps we unconsciously set for each other so that we might learn how to incorporate more support, faith, and unconditional love into those relationships.


These are expansive and awakening times that call for faith and trust in one another. Divisiveness has no place in a hopeful future for anyone. Whatever we can do to bring inclusion and acceptance to those who so desperately need it will be so incredibly worth our time, effort, and patience. This week is full of chances for us to change directions, build new roads when the one we are on comes to an end, and forge healthier boundaries, friendships, and intimate relationships along the way. Hopefully we can take more notice of our reactions, carelessness, and neglect so we can be more patient, receptive, tactful, and diligent in all we do. Strides are being made, so let’s all make as many as we can.

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Thank you for your inquiry!

Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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