An exciting week that stimulates our minds, reveals things we have never considered or seen before, and focuses on the archetypes surrounding Moon’s nodal axis (Scorpio/Taurus), including our sensuality, sexuality, money, real estate, death and rebirth, and our core values. By midweek, be mindful of rash decisions, driving too fast, and speaking without thinking. Being prepared is half the battle, right?
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Lighting a candle to shed light on our sensuality, our personal spiritual aspirations, the realities and illusions of our relationships, and how we feel about all of this is teeming for our attention today. We are given a final glimpse into how we can transform all of these aspects in our lives moving forward. Venus transitions into Aries tomorrow just after the New Moon, both of which archetypally symbolize a rebirth of everything mentioned above. May we all appreciate the great mysterious aspects of our most cherished and loved tangible and intangible parts of our lives.
Monday, February 20, 2023
New Moon in Pisces
Venus ingresses Aries
We rise today after a New Moon in Pisces and a freshly reborn Venus in Aries. These new cycles will likely reveal themselves with uncanny synchronicity throughout our day as feelings and experiences of freshness, newness, and excitement for the future. The seasons are shifting all around and deep within us. We should take notice of our inspirations and how they are moving us brightly away from previous delusions and confusion. Let us take up the torch in honor of all that we love in our lives and charge ahead as sentinels of peace and truth and new beginnings. Don’t look back!
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Revelations and clarifications of how to bring more awakened perspectives into our lives circle overhead today. Feeding off of yesterday's inspirations, we should not be surprised by sudden catalysts that crack open and expand our vessels of consciousness to make room for greater understanding and enlightenment. These are aspects of awakening that force us to probe the elusive realms of what has yet to be seen clearly.
As the day carries on, we venture beyond our personal awakenings into the mysteries and out-of-reach domains of the collective experience, perhaps finding ourselves somewhat lost in the process. We must take heart if we find ourselves drifting from clarity back into some confusion. These windy roads are sure to bring us somewhere beautiful, so keep your eyes on the road ahead, not in the rearview mirror.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini
Moon conjunct Venus and Jupiter in Aries
Our minds are so jazzed and excitable today. It is as if the winds have picked up and fanned the flames in our brains. We should be careful not to drive too fast, make rash decisions, say things without thinking them through, or act upon impulses without foresight today. Instead, finding something to intensely focus on that fascinates us and drives us to better understand it would be a good choice.
There is also an emotional drive and determination to charge through the briars of our relationships in order to be heard and understood, but it would be best to utilize the brilliance afforded our minds to make more concrete progress. Be mindful of what is said, what is done, and what is challenging us, without taking any of it too personally or emotionally. Remember to keep the peace through acceptance and compassion.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
There are no notable exact aspects between planets today, but Moon is still in Aries after having passed Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron in the same sign. As it makes its way toward its North Node in Taurus tomorrow, it’s a good idea to be as productive and active as possible so we can feel solid in our capacity to sustain a healthy and abundant life. Exercise is better cardio than arguing, so opting for the former is always going to make things better. Remember that Moon in Aries can charge us up and give us the drive and determination to make a difference somewhere in our lives. Where can we apply that today?
Friday, February 24, 2023
Moon conjunct its North Node in Taurus
Sun in Pisces sextile/trine Moon’s nodes
As is always the case with Moon’s nodes, activations of them by way of either luminary (Sun or Moon) considerably affects the tack we are on in some way. Because the nodes are in the opposing signs that symbolize money, resources, real estate, agriculture, values, and sensuality, these are the matters that will dominate our day. Matters such as what we may be neglecting or forgetting, how we can manifest greater self-sufficiency, whether we should keep or get rid of something, including a job or commitment of some sort, or how important sensuality is to us and/or our relationships.
Ultimately, there is a keen awareness of how our circumstances surrounding these issues make us feel, and furthermore how those feelings spur us to embrace changes that will make us feel better. Oftentimes we are perplexed by what certain “changes” look like, so if we recognize that change can occur psychologically, methodically, structurally, physically, emotionally, etc., then we can maybe have a clearer idea of how we can enact a shift for the better.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Following Moon’s passing of its North Node, bringing up all that was discussed in yesterday’s forecast (resources, real estate, values, sensuality, etc.), she now meets up with Uranus, the game changing surpriser. Uranus activates change by way of the unexpected, and it also truly embodies the essential aspects of revelations and advancements. Revealing things never seen or heard before and advancing our perspectives, ideas, and functionality toward our accomplishments. Don’t be surprised when something surprises you today. And don’t be surprised when you or someone else chooses to emotionally detach from a situation or conversation. Uranus does not like to meddle in emotional matters, so stimulating our brains is an awesome way to approach this day.
Though the week may excel in intensity, it will not be without an abundance of excitement and stimulating experiences. Likely we will have experienced something we didn’t expect to, or at least something completely unique, and it is sure to have an inspiring and lasting influence upon us moving forward.