The journey through the zodiac is akin to our journey through life. Aries is our birth, separating from the Pisces womb of bliss where everything is taken care of for us. Taurus is assessing the resources we have and how we can utilize them to survive. This is where we find ourselves on Sunday and Monday: assessing our own resources to determine how to succeed or improve our lives with them. How can we upgrade our lives and our situation by utilizing our resources? The Taurus Moon wants to know!
As we roll through our Monday, this theme of utilizing our resources to make our lives better gets amplified by Moon’s transit in front of Uranus and Moon’s North Node* in Taurus. Uranus wants to improve and upgrade all facets of life. It wants to rapidly change the things that are slow, outmoded, and not making anything better. As Moon slides into a square with Saturn in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), the time is nigh for assessing exactly what it is we are going to do to make our lives work more efficiently, more productively, and for the greater benefit of our community and friends. So be ready for that examination on Monday evening.
Mercury enters Capricorn early Tuesday morning, ushering in the protocol of managing our lives with more structure and productivity. It is as though we are given the chance to perform our greatest achievement. The rest of December will offer us all the opportunity to get our wits about us in order to accomplish what we have been patiently waiting to embark upon. Make like the Capricorn goat and climb that near-impossible mountainside with determination and confidence. You can do it! Don’t give up now!
Wednesday night’s Full Moon in Gemini (11:07pm EST) is exactly conjunct Mars in Gemini. This is an incredible opportunity to harness confidence and determination, as mentioned above, but due to the inevitable volatility of this conjunction we must be mindful of arrogance, anger, passive-aggressive behavior, and all things related to short fuses. Though it may be difficult for most of us to spend these few days alone, we would at least be better off steering clear of confrontation by planning some solitude for ourselves. Not only would this help avoid the potential for confrontation, but it will also help us focus this extremely powerful Full Moon energy into our own journey ahead. Our focus must be like a walking a tightrope above burning flames.
This Gemini Full Moon really is the major asterisk of the week, perhaps even the month, so we must set aside time to prepare for this by planning where we will be, what we will be concentrating on, and how we want our future to unfold. We should plan a ceremony, perhaps with just ourselves. If we do ceremony with a partner or friends, we must allow time to retreat to solitude for at least enough time to reflect upon our path forward from here, because that is the message within the beams upon us. Independence, individuation, personal identity, and thinking for ourselves without the distractions of what anyone else thinks. This is the Mars-Moon in Gemini message. How do we more authentically be ourselves? How do we quiet the screams and whispers distracting us from hearing our own song? What are the lyrics to our song?
Thursday night into Friday allows us to reflect upon the amplified murmurs and feedback of the Gemini Full Moon with our loved ones. As Moon glides into an opposition with Venus then Mercury, it also squares Jupiter in Pisces, so we will begin to notice the effects the Full Moon had on our loved ones, too. We may be ready to share exactly what it is we wish to change about our habitual methodologies in order to stay more truly on our own path. Is there something we have been wanting to do but have been afraid our loved ones would not approve of or agree with?
As mentioned, we must prepare to hear from our loved ones what they wish to change in their lives to adhere to their own authentic paths, too. It’s a two way street. We are all individuating throughout our lives, even while united with someone we love, so find compassion and empathy for the struggles and changes each other are going through. There is a powerful spiritual element present in this T-square between Moon-Jupiter-Venus. There is such benevolence and beauty in these celestial bodies, but the frequency of their configuration acts as a convergence that requires revelation. What are we willing to share with each other?
Saturday’s Moon-Neptune trine unties some emotional knots within us, allowing for the release of pain and discomfort within. It may be time to let it out in tears, in love, or in prayer, but finding a chance to commune with nature is perhaps the best means of cleansing our spirits. This aspect ideally requires quiet contemplation and time for reflection. Drift through the forest, lay in the grass, watch the river flow, listen to the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Honor nature's bliss.
What a week! How do you plan to proceed as a witnessed individual? What alignments must be made in order to fulfill your own individuation?
*The North and South Node of the Moon are invisible points in space. Astronomically, the nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic, which is the Sun's apparent annual path on the celestial sphere. Astrologically, the South Node represents where we come from, what we’re very adept at and familiar with, and where we can stagnate if we don’t seek our North Node. The North Node represents our ideal karmic path forward, the direction of growth and progress, and a focus point to always look to, as a compass points to Polaris. These points are always exactly opposite one another, and the polarity of them should always be considered when interpreting astrological influences.