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December 24-30, 2023

This may be an emotional week, but one that is sure to reveal reflections about important truths and new understandings between ourselves and certain family members, friends, or loved ones. Our relationships are always evolving, even if we insist they are not or do not need to, so maintaining a watchful gaze upon the direction and growth of those relationships helps us stay abreast of where things stand. Working our way through the week may seem like any other week, but subtle forces are always afoot nudging us back onto the tracks so we can roll on down that line as efficiently and compassionately as possible.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces


This Christmas Eve welcomes a fresh Gemini Moon to ensure some lively conversation and engagement with family, though its early morning square to Saturn should convince us all to stay in bed a little longer just to avoid any squabbles with relatives. As the day spins, we are sure to grow more rapt with those relatives and friends, perhaps in ways that inspire a little exploration of our psyches with one another. There is a harmonic transpersonal influence that seems to permeate the intangible space between us and others, making for a kind of floaty and mesmerizing day of relating.


It is always good to heed the often overlooked capacity of a Gemini Moon: listening. When we think about Gemini, we usually envision someone rambling ad nauseum, but when deft and focused, Gemini can influence us to listen more than speak. After all, Gemini is about gathering information, not necessarily spewing it all the time. If all we do is speak, we are not learning, and learning is the wisdom woven into Gemini’s magic tapestry.


Monday, December 25, 2023

Mars in Sagittarius sextile/trine South/North Node in Libra/Aries

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini opposite Mars in Sagittarius (mystic rectangle with Nodes)


Will it be a Merry Christmas? Well, before Moon rolls into a mystic rectangle with its nodes and Mars, it aptly aspects Chiron, stirring up and perhaps triggering early childhood emotional wounds. But the clever wisdom of Gemini can reason well with the harmonic nature of the aspect, thus allowing some detachment and acquiescence to benefit the collective harmony of the day. This is not to say we may not find ourselves a bit uneasy this morning, because Moon-Chiron aspects can certainly ruffle our feathers, but stepping back and observing the unfolding dharma of our relatives is advised.


Venus and Neptune align in a very apropos trine, harmonizing the frequency of the trinity with all octaves of love and etheric holiness. This rich and enchanting aspect brings a very divine and beautiful element into our collective field of invisibility today. We can feel the inspiration to bury hatchets, rise above our troubles, and connect on sacred levels we never imagined possible with some of our family members and friends.


The sanctity of the Venus-Neptune aspect sets the stage for the near-exact mystic rectangle (two sextiles, two trines, two oppositions) between Moon, its nodes, and Mars later in the afternoon. This configuration allows for the dynamic mobilization of potentiality inherent in the Moon-Mars opposition in the exploratory, expansive, and inquisitive polarity of Gemini-Sagittarius. In other words, we just might discover some very profound clarity, understanding, and ultimately useful wisdom at some point this evening or tomorrow, if aspects seem to affect us a little afterwards as they do for some. We would do well to take what we can gather from coincidence, stay open to suggestions from others, regardless of our usual expectations of them, and relish the relative mystical murmurs aired in our presence. And have a Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

*Full Moon at 4° Cancer at 7:33pm EST*

Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus


As we hopefully reveled in the moments shared with loved ones over the holidays, we are likely feeling all the feels today, especially as the Full Cancer Moon basks us in its milky beams of reflective Capricorn Sunlight. The relatives, traditions, the emotions, and all the missing pieces that may have shown up unannounced are swimming through the combines of our souls today. These are windows of time ripe for processing the experiences we shared with family recently. Even if we have not been with family lately, today’s transits, including the Full Moon, emanate their calls to digest and move what we have been through.


The Full Cancer Moon counsels a necessity for nurturing and compassionate understanding if any healthy growth is going to emerge from our current familial relationships and the experiences we perhaps just shared with them. Our journey needs security and comfort so that we feel safe and acknowledged in our circle of family or friends, so if we feel anyone in that circle seems isolated or abandoned in any way, we should step in and lend our heart and an ear to their thoughts and feelings. Remember how sacred emotions are for each and every one of us. They are fragile and delicate, so tread softly into their hearts.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Sun in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Mercury conjunct Mars in Sagittarius

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


The inevitable retrograde Mercury square Neptune is upon us today, promising any possible communication, logistical, or technological breakdowns to ensue, especially as Mercury retrogrades past Mars. Our plans should not be called plans today, they should be call hypothetical potentials, and volatile ones at that. As the tapestry of our fragile reality and the unseen forces continues to be woven together, we should honor Moon’s tenure in Cancer by abiding in kindness and emotional nourishment.


We will need this kindness with the Mercury-Mars reunion, which can fire up all 12 cylinders inside us. This reunion, while sparky, might remind us of our inspirations and our determination to follow them. It may also spur us to reflect upon any outlandish elements surrounding our inspiration and passion for expansion. Delusions are sometimes standing just outside our doors of perception waiting to slip in and orchestrate their smoke and mirrors. This is a reminder to stay sharp, calm, collected, and kind.


Our wounds could open up again today, vulnerably exposing them to infection and increased pain, so we could all probably use a little extra laughter and friendship if we can finagle that. Working overtime on our emotional turbulence and familial contracts eats at our sanity more than necessary, so making time away from those woes may be best. And while such turbulence and pain could inevitably show up on our doorstep, we do not have to allow them to drown us like they potentially could. Taking stock of how we feel should be enough to stabilize those feelings so we can carry on into the evening.


Something conceivably unexpected and different could ring our doorbell tonight, so let’s not be surprised by whatever presents itself. Sometimes we are shown a new direction without realizing it right away, but if we expand our field of perception to include areas we have neglected, we may be pleasantly surprised and grateful for the awareness.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Moon in Cancer square its nodes

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer trine Venus in Scorpio and opposite Pluto in Capricorn


The nebulosity expands beyond the pale today. Waves of distortion wash over us like clouds over summer summits hiding all we were seeing clearly just moments ago. We might find ourselves completely unsure of any number of things we thought we were sure about. The confusion can be challenging, frustrating, and even frightening, but we must take heart that these days do present themselves from time to time. And when they do, we should respect that whatever the universe has in store for us sometimes needs to be played out while we are unaware of it.


The immersion into today’s clouds can be a lesson on the rain. What cannot be understood empirically, though obviously true, must be trusted metaphysically. How much of life is like this? Perhaps much more than we realize. And while waxing philosophical, we may just want to set aside a little time today to read, write, paint, go for a walk, or do something creative for the sake of our unappeased need for control over everything.


As the mists of the day fades, we might find our evening involves some very revealing and evolutionary conversations about a specific relationship in our lives. This could be a family relationship in particular, so we should be prepared to divulge any conclusions we have garnered from these last few days of emotional concentration. It can be unnerving to realize realities we had not considered in the past, so taking it all in stride would be ideal.


Friday, December 29, 2023

Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn

*Venus ingresses Sagittarius*

Though this lone aspect rules the day, we are not without the residue of where we have been. As a matter of fact, this IS the residue of where we have been. All the swamps and precipices we have waded through and scaled are ours for dissecting today. We very likely will find that any intimate relationships we are in will come under the staring scrutiny of the forces that be and the lens of their divine microscope. Our secrets, our triumphs, our limitations, our harumphs, and all the swarming bees in each of our Pandora’s boxes might all come out to play. These are finalities and conclusions that must be addressed if we are to escape the mire of the valleys and summit the nirvanic peaks.

Speaking of nirvanic peaks, Venus’s ingress into Sagittarius naturally marks the beginning of expansive new directions in our relationships. We might want to start planning trips to foreign destinations, we might want to engage with others about our philosophical, religious, and spiritual aspirations, or we might choose to embrace a new body of knowledge or pursue a new field of study with a partner. We should also be mindful during Venus’s tenure in Sagittarius to be more mindful of our spending and our finances. This placement can be notorious for big spending, which of course means big losing. It is also a prime time to embrace the benevolence that surrounds us in life and to grow more appreciative and grateful for all the beauty, joy, and abundance we already possess. Gratitude does wonders for our future.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Leo trine Mercury in Sagittarius


There may be some stubborn tensions to massage today, but overall there is decompression and a resurgence of excitement and zeal for what lies ahead. Of course Mercury is casting our eyes upon the methods that need refinement, but our creative visions and dreams will always need tended like a fire in the stove. This image is one we should continue to carry with us as those visions begin to take shape and unfold like the petals of the flowers in our destined bouquet.


Instead of cowering to the conditioning of believing Mercury retrograde is no fun, we would be much better off understanding that these three week windows that appear three times each year are massive opportunities to perfect our creative visions so that what manifests is more nearly tuned to the harmonies of our frequency. May we all cherish the sacred windows that give us the time to color in the space between our dreams.


As we wind our way through the seeming desolate valleys of our emotional journey, we often feel alone and unnurtured, but sometimes the Sun peaks through the clouds and reminds us that we are not alone or unnurtured. The magic of how that Sun nurtures us and alights our way forward into ever-brightening experiences and relationships lives within us every step of the way. And that way is the way of the lion, majestically poised and proudly understanding the sanctity of life and all its glorious abundance.

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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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