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December 1-7, 2024

This transpersonal week is full of new and exciting beginnings, offerings, and rejuvenation. With the New Moon in Sagittarius we are feeling a tremendous offering of new and exciting directions and opportunities, even if some of them may not be best for us. And speaking of best for us, this theme runs through the week, magnifying the importance of making thoughtful and careful decisions. We have all made terrible decisions in life, some of us perhaps as recently as yesterday or today, but instead of dwelling upon those errors and sulking in the sad cloudy darkness we might find ourselves in, we need to remember our inner power, potential, and drive to elevate as much about our lives as possible. The winds of tremendous change are picking up, and we must rise to the occasion if we are to ride those waves to the shores of our dreams.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

*New Moon at 9° Sagittarius at 1:20am EST*

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries


With Pluto freshly and permanently in Aquarius, and Venus soon to join it there, this New Moon in Sagittarius can feel like doors we did not even know were doors are opening onto landscapes we have not imagined until now. There is hope and renewed optimism ringing like church bells in the mist. While this is a blessing and an opportunity, we have to keep our wits about us and check out head that we are not taking anything to extremes, putting all our eggs in one basket, or risking the farm for an extravagant pipe dream. It can be a lesson in steadying the pace of the horse we are riding off into the sunset on. Not too fast and not too slow.


Though this blessing adds vibrance and hope to our day, there are underlying realities to face and alignments to make in our personal lives, which may feel harsh if we had a joyful holiday with family. But if we can reframe our perspective on those realities and alignments, we might be able to embrace those tasks with acceptance and humility, perhaps even excitement and hope. Sometimes the hardest part about the work required of us is accepting that we need to do it. Once we get there, the work becomes a bit less painful and obnoxious, and if we’re lucky we might even begin to like it for one reason or another.


It is possible for us to overthink things at this time, too. This might be worrying too much about something, overprocessing an opinion, or even spiraling into extreme territories of depression, elation, or maniacal fantasies. Keeping our perspectives within healthy boundaries helps maintain balance and harmony in our lives, which helps avoid unnecessary drama and chaos. Moon’s extreme latitudes over the next few days does not help these matters much, but even more reason to be especially mindful of our thoughts and emotions.


Monday, December 2, 2024

Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


What are we doing to remind ourselves how capable, skilled, and beautiful we are? Has anyone told us that lately? More importantly, have we told ourselves that lately, and believed it? We might tend to beat ourselves up for not meeting our own expectations or living up to certain standards we put in place. But those standards and expectations were likely extremely challenging to attain quickly, or at all. Sometimes we have to come down from the clouds we drifted up to in our fantasies in order to gain a proper perspective of our situation and circumstances. Yes, we are capable of amazing things, but let’s remain pragmatic about the definition of amazing.


Grounding our lofty ideals is not always easy, and we may be recognizing the altitude we have been dreaming of and how it should probably be brought down a few thousand feet. These ideals could very well be relationship or money oriented. What kinds of expectations do we have of others, and how can we reconfigure those expectations to more practically respect, appreciate, and love them? We are all suffering the trauma of life, and while many of us are quite equipped to handle such stress and pain, many others are not. Are there financial goals we set too high? Do we wish a partner would make more money? We have to come down from our high expectations and trust that abundance is born of the heart and soul, and not just from labor and extortion.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces


Reckoning is afoot! While this fleeting aspect may not portend biblical-level reckoning, there is quite likely to be some smaller, personal version of it passing through our day. If we have not been tending to certain necessities in our life, if we have wronged someone, if we crossed boundaries, or if we have procrastinated much too long, these issues can seep through the cracks and ooze down the walls that might feel like they’re closing in all around us. We must do the work.


Certain levels of guilt help steer us in the right direction, as long as we are aligned with the divine principles of right action. But sometimes we feel justified doing certain things that others would shame us for and not do themselves. Discerning from our hearts what we feel is right action should suffice if we are compassionate and kind people. If there is any shame and guilt that boils over our cauldron today, we must acknowledge it and move beyond it into the hard work and devotion that is required to rebalance the imbalance in our life.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Venus in Capricorn

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius


Further amplifying the need for hard work and dedication to divine right action, today’s Capricorn Moon teams up with nearly every major celestial body to drive that reality home into our hearts, minds, and souls. We may struggle with our confidence, forgetting how astute and masterful we are at so many things. We might feel incredibly inclined to communicate, educate, study, research, and contemplate the vast expanses of philosophical or religious thought. We also might find ourselves face-to-face again with the wrongs or neglects that were conjured up yesterday. These potentials can lie around every corner we take.


What we are hopefully noticing is our need to face the music of our lives, which has been playing all around and through us, even if we have not paid attention or chosen to listen to it. The strides that can be made, even if just through revelation and acknowledgment, are enough to get our train wheels back on the tracks so we can get back to the clickity-clacks of a better life. Dwelling too long in the darkness of despair and grief is like rampant rust on the otherwise polished iron magnificence of our potentiality. We must align with a level of discipline that is at least sufficient enough to see our dreams come true. Dreams do not just appear. We need to cultivate, nurture, and harvest our dreams each and every day.


If we do what we can to align our day with the necessities that feel like are surrounding us, we can get a lot of things accomplished. Not the least of which is striving to make anything right that has been a wrong. And the more we put our energy into such matters, the more we elevate our mundane lives toward the beacon of our dreams that beckons us forward. Reflecting for a moment or two today upon how far we have journeyed and how much we have learned over the past 17 years can help remind us to honor, respect, and humbly praise ourselves for our resolve and fortitude. What is to come can be the greatest moments of our lives if we abide by the sanctity of divine right action.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Moon in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mercury in Sagittarius


High-minded hopes and passionate exuberance are weaving their way through our day in a tailspin that might just uncover layers of stagnation and desensitized numbness that has accumulated over all these years. It is not like we will necessarily feel like a child again, but we could certainly feel that verve and vigor wanting to resurface and shine like it used to. The fire and air that roars through these hours like a wildfire can ignite in us a future-focus and an all new inner love and excitement to reach further and brighter than we ever have before.


We have to be mindful not to overstep the bounds of our egocentricity. These aspects can inspire rather extreme bravado and bragging, putting ourselves high up on pedestals we do not belong on, thus increasing the likelihood of falling from grace. If we follow our passions and motivations with our hearts and not our minds we will be much more likely to avoid such elitist mentalities. Following these inspirations for the sake of love and the greatest good for all those who will be affected, hopefully with equal inspiration, is the wisest course of action.


Friday, December 6, 2024

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mercury in Sagittarius

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

*Mars stations retrograde at 6° Leo*

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces


Though our inspirations and motivations to elevate the values of our voyage and work towards a better life have been flowing rather freely these last few days, the surge may not be as powerful as we would like it to be. While we are certainly finding a lot of inspiration, applying it to our lives can seem increasingly challenging. Mars is stationing retrograde today, sending us back into the throes of the careless acts we may have regretted. As Mars is often known for acting without thinking, its retrograde cycle allows us to examine where we may have made regrettable decisions that were not thoroughly thought through first. But with Moon currently spicing up our awareness of such things, we can take advantage of these aspects in order to dissect those regrets.


Mars will be retrograde until February 23rd, so we have a lot of reflection and rehashing to do. Coupled with Mercury’s current retrograde motion, we are fully equipped to pause and slow down more in life. What did we miss? What did we do that we wish we would not have? And why do we wish we would not have? Why did we follow our passions into territories we should not have ended up in? What acts of Martian aggression, lust, and carelessness do we need to answer to? The red planet will fall back into Cancer on January 6th, amplifying our need to focus on acts that perhaps hurt other people’s feelings, or acts that were perpetrated upon us and hurt our feelings.


This is a healthy and necessary surge of introspection. Once that insists we become much more conscious and aware of the actions we take in the future. Depending upon what decisions we made in the past that will circle back to us during this cycle, it may feel like we are being reprimanded by the forces that be. A karmic cleansing, if you will. Though Saturn is the paternal karmic overlord, Mars’s retrograde cycle can show us similar influences, albeit with a more passionate script. Perhaps the most positive effects of this cycle can be our seeking out our individuality and independence. That process can also be very introspective, contemplating the moments and areas of our life that we seek more autonomy and freedom of choice. There is a lot to consider during such a cycle when it comes to how we identify with ourselves and the meaning of our Selfhood.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

*Venus ingresses Aquarius*

Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Sun in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini


As we turn around and consider all that we love and cherish today, we can notice how much our love has grown or waned for each and every person, place, or thing we have considered important to us. In recognizing what holds value in our hearts, we learn what to prioritize and what to gracefully let go of. Rejuvenation and redemption are inherent factors to take into consideration today, especially within our relationships. Is something passing away? Is something being reborn? Have we pondered our resistance to change? Is our partner insisting we change? Are we insisting our partner change? Maybe we should consider an elevated or neutral perspective to analyze our relationships so we can get a much more clear picture of what is passing on and what is being born.


We may also find our finances taking center stage today. Perhaps we have recently lost money or faced financial hardship that has created a painful lifestyle to endure. Is there hope on the horizon? Can we see a proper way out of our dilemma toward rejuvenation and redemption? What kinds of changes need to happen that will grant us more freedom, sustainability, and security? The tiring efforts we have made may not seem like enough, but if we hold fast to the work we do, we are bound to see signs of hope and revitalization eventually. Today might point us in the direction we should be taking. We should be mindful of any offers that come our way being too risky, reckless, and foolish. These are not the distracting avenues and alleys we need to be tempted into. Let’s follow the Sun!


Something of a doozy of a week, but one that promises certain change and renewal awaits us up ahead. Taking advantage of the reflective retrograde cycles of Mercury and Mars can bring a huge amount of recognition and awareness to the areas of our life that require tuning, adjustments, and refinement. Getting to the bottom of our faults and misgivings shows us how to be better human beings, both to ourselves and for others. The blessings this week come from the New Moon in Sagittarius, Mars stationing retrograde, and Venus ingressing Aquarius alongside freshly minted Pluto, reinvigorating our motivations to expand our lives into fresh and exciting new territories with forethought and ample autonomy. Ahoy!

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