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August 4-10, 2024

Reflection, rediscovery, and refinement abound this week with a strong Mercurial and Virgoan influence. But this is all after we set our own stage for the most beautiful show on Earth: Us! The Leo New Moon encourages new creative beginnings and developing a refined pride in who we are as unique individuals. What might be our legacy in the end? Who will be there with us and along the way? With so much personal development in the cauldron this week, we should welcome the at-first flamboyant social interactions that are bound to entice us midweek, and even the deeper, more reflective and soul dredging interactions we are sure to find ourselves in by the weekend. Kindness and encouragement are the keywords for this week.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

*New Moon at 12° Leo at 7:13am EDT*

Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

*Venus ingresses Virgo*


Just as Moon and Sun reunite in Leo, Venus is preparing to depart. This New Moon’s theme is centered around our creativity and our legacy. We are all gifted with a creative talent, even if it sometimes seems difficult to distinguish what that may be. The hustle and bustle of everyday life easily compounds to swallow us up in a sea of turbulence and endless swells and currents. This stifles our capacity to recognize and allow our creativity to flourish. What do our hearts feel drawn towards? What brings us happiness, joy, serenity, excitement, and allows us to feel comfortable being seen and heard by others? What are we proud of?


These questions can help navigate us through the turmoil and into the pool of creative awakening we all so desperately need to return to. This is a time of new beginnings, new intentions, and new commitments to unstifling our heart’s desires. What is calling us must be heeded, even if it is a faint whisper of hope and opportunity. And opportunity is exactly what can show up today if we listen and observe with awakened ears and eyes. Is someone offering us something we might initially be afraid of? Is there a chance it might actually be what we need and want to follow? It is a sincerely powerful moment to seize if any feasible and pragmatic opening presents itself to us.


And speaking of seizing pragmatic opportunities, the windows into our world of love, beauty, affection, and tranquil ambiance are wide open today, shining through the mire we desperately seek to transcend. It is as though all that we aspire to be and all the positive reinforcement we try to give ourselves are summiting the mountains of the Moon and reminding us that we have much to be proud of and grateful for. Once evening rolls in, we begin the journey of dissecting all those beautiful elating joys and delights in order to find the pearls in the oysters we shuck every day. The refinement of our creativity is achieved by eliminating the distractions that keep us from realizing what we sincerely wish to joyfully create. Those distractions are usually along the lines of self-importance, self-deprecation, and contriving to belong and be appreciated.


Monday, August 5, 2024

*Mercury stations retrograde at 4° Virgo*

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Venus in Virgo


The train’s putting its brakes on and the whistle is screaming. Just when we are feeling prepared to go after our creativity and follow our hearts, we are reminded that all good things take time and patience. It is not that we cannot continue to pursue our desires—as a matter of fact, that is exactly what we should continue to do—it is more so that we need to make all the necessary changes, weed out distractions, and come to a much more refined and concise vision of our ideal pursuit and journey ahead. So, over the next three weeks we should take advantage of Mercury’s insistence upon determining our goals and creative ventures, and improving our life management skills so that we can be fully prepared to actualize what we want to manifest in September and October.


These refinements may be challenging to digest, and it can indeed feel like the brakes are on when we would prefer the pedal to the metal. But if we can manage to not resist the need for those brakes, we will notice our surroundings more clearly and come to understand the purpose behind such diligence, patience, and reconsideration. Those are, after all, hallmarks of successful ventures, no matter the field or application.


What we can also glean from such careful refinement is what exactly gets us excited and giddy about life. The fuel we need get to where we want to go is much more than gumption and desire, it is also wisdom and patience. These are beautiful attributes that grow with age, and the more we rely upon them the more we understand their value. And values are perhaps the most sacred element in everything we seek to accomplish and experience in this life.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Moon conjunct Mercury in Virgo

Moon in Virgo square Mars in Gemini


Though Moon joins Mercury in Virgo very early this morning, it sets the stage for a very Mercurial day. This means we are focusing on and interested in many different things that seek to enlighten us and guide us toward a deeper understanding of where we are in our process of personal development. There can be frustrating friction building throughout the day, mainly due to an overstimulation of our thoughts and ideas not harmonizing with the overstimulation of other people’s thoughts and ideas. While this might persuade us to seek shelter from other people’s frantic thoughtforms not meshing with our own, we should remain calm, cool, and collected so that we can hopefully learn from each other constructively.


As all this overstimulation seems to culminate later this afternoon, there is an additional wave of conceivable overwhelm approaching in the middle of the night when Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini, which happens to include more Mercurial influences. Our ideas could very well be overflowing and trying their best to fit into the pragmatic slots we utilize to make best use of those ideas. The lesson here is to bide our time and breathe through the potential anxiety so that we can make sense of how to put all we learn into creating much more effective and efficient life management skills. The frantic winds that blow too many thoughts through our minds will die down, so we must trust in this ebb and flow of energy and make smart use of it.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus


The mental frenzy stirred up by yesterday’s transits, while still present to some extent, is beginning to wane and morph into a process of checks and balances. What we determined necessary or exciting to focus our energy on yesterday needs to run through the gauntlet of Saturn’s approval. Is what we think what is best? Is there a way to merge our conceivably outlandish ideas with more pragmatic approaches that can truly facilitate the change or new direction we are interested in pursuing? The answers may be fleeting or nebulous, perhaps difficult to decipher, but once we allow the dust to settle enough we can make more sense of things and move forward with a much more practical approach.


What is exciting is the potential for very profound and brilliant moments of introspection and clarity. How can we utilize such influences to better shape our vision of what and where we want to do and go? Harmonies begin to chime in the spaces between us and the rest of the world, which allows all those myriad ideas we have had to coalesce and transpire, as long as we did our due diligence to make sure they are feasible and for the good of all involved. Riding these harmonious waves makes for a pretty groovy surf back to land, where we can build upon all we know and see the manifestation of our dreams begin to take shape in our otherwise routine reality.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct its South Node in Libra


After one last look at the stark contrast between chaos and order, we venture into the realm of working with others to help us on our way. What we cannot do alone, we must do together. This is the credo of Libra and Scorpio. But what kind of chaos are we grappling with? How do we employ order to our lives so that we can function optimally and without too much unnecessary distraction? The organizational skills we have acquired over all our years existing in this ever-evolving society help ground us, stabilize our minds, and methodically guide us forward in hopes of developing a well refined sense of Self.


We could end up working with someone today who shows us something we had not considered before. Our open-minded and acquiescing tendencies are available to help bring more harmony than discord, so whatever it is we end up doing with someone should be able to instill lessons we can utilize moving forward. This could be a deep conversation that stimulates inspiration to change and grow in ways we were not expecting. And part of that process will be reflecting upon our past to help remind us why growth is so important. Perhaps we can find evident truths in the folds of our past that we can carry forward as torches to light our way.


Friday, August 9, 2024

Moon in Libra trine Mars in Gemini

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini


The camaraderie we develop between like-minded souls helps improve our mental health in ways we cannot fathom. When we retreat inward and shut ourselves off from social scenarios we end up lost in our minds with no point of reference or means of feeling loved and appreciated. The celestial forecast for today is bright and sunny with a nice cool summer breeze blowing us towards one another with a pep, a skip, and a giddy joy to come together. Things could get a little spicy, but variety and interaction is, after all, the spice of life.


It is a great day to make plans to be with friends and have thought-provoking conversations. The creative forces are asking us to see what we can do together that we cannot do alone. How can we work together to make all our lives better? Can someone water our garden while we are away? Can we feed their pets in return? Is there a way to share the work we are all trying desperately to stay on top of without damaging friendships? Most importantly, we should be keen to notice any opportunities that present themselves today in casual or planned conversation. “Once in a while you get shone the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.” (Robert Hunter)


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio sextile Mercury in Virgo


How do the people in our life play a part in the unfolding of our petals? Do they stifle that process, encourage it, or facilitate it? Though today can become more and more intense and challenging, we should first consider how valuable other people are to us. We are all on a journey of mastering the craft of living the best we can. Some of us are mastering one thing and some are mastering another, but how valuable and sacred are those relationships to us? We must learn to encourage and help others on their unique paths of mastery, because putting them down, making them feel bad, and excluding them will only traumatize them and hold them back more than they already are.


We should try not to be disheartened by the likely more intense and disruptive experiences we encounter today. Instead, we should welcome the challenges to go into those depths with someone for the sake of finding something that may have been hidden from us thus far. All our lessons are staring us in the face, but sometimes we cannot see them. They are like ghosts that only certain people can see. Once we accept that, we can let our guard down and open our arms wide for those who care deeply about us. We just have to be cautious we are not heeding the wrong advice. Taking careful stock of the quality of our inventory of friends can bring us safely into a space in which we are willing to share and listen. Above all, be kind!


Many things transpire this week, but the key takeaways should be our lessons learned by the time Saturday comes to a close. The New Moon is going to awaken in all of us a sort of excitement about what is going on personally, socially, and globally. Of course there are always tragedies, wars, famines, and corruption, but there is also growth, kindness, and compassion. This week is about defining and refining what we are proud of, developing a healthy sense of Self through quiet reflection AND positive and joyful social interactions, and not being afraid to dig into our shadowy recesses to hopefully find new slivers of wisdom to live by.

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Geoff Gronlund

Astrological Consultant

Harrison, Maine, USA

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