Perhaps a wishy-washy Sunday morning awaits us as Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. This is a stark contrast of influences as Mercury in Virgo is as particular and tidy and perfecting as possible and Neptune in Pisces is as carefree, spiritual, and potentially neglectful as possible. Mercury and Neptune opposing each other will emphasize these Virgo-Pisces contrasts in our lives. What are we taking care of responsibly? What are we neglecting to care about? Always a valuable lesson to consider.
The Moon enters Cancer late Sunday night, while the Sun enters Virgo late Monday night. Moon is at home in Cancer (its ruler) which means we’re looking for comfort, security, affection, nurturing, yummy foods, and likely a good swim! Be sure to bring these to someone you love, and be sure they can bring some back to you. Digging a little deeper than is comfortable may bring some level of emotional processing, because ultimately that is the gist of the sign of Cancer. We need to process and digest all that we learned gathering Gemini’s knowledge, keeping what’s most important.
As Sun enters Virgo late Monday night, we shift into the beginning of harvest season. Virgo represents separating the wheat from the chaff, which is symbolic of paying attention to only what matters most; keeping the good and leaving the bad. We’re getting organized, taking stock of our summer adventures, picking up all of our Leo toys in the yard, and getting ready to reap what we’ve sown. It’s that time of year to refine our methods, clean up our diet, and make things work better in our lives.
All this Virgo influence will really kick in at the New Moon in Virgo early Saturday morning. As New Moons are always a time to start fresh, it’s no doubt that a New Moon in Virgo is one of the best times to do exactly that. However, Mars is squaring this New Moon at 4° Gemini, so there is a challenge. Mercury also holds a tremendous influence over this New Moon in Virgo, given Sun and Moon are both in Mercury-ruled Virgo, and Mars is squaring them in Mercury-ruled Gemini. So, looking at Mercury freshly into Libra at this time tells us that we can expect our most important harvesting, organizing, and refining to be flowing through our relationships in life. Perhaps our business relationships, perhaps our personal relationships, but this is likely where these changes must occur, and it could be a challenge to implement and stick to them. As is always the case, be kind and compassionate toward our friends and loved ones, allowing them a safe space to share and communicate with us.
May the New Moon in Virgo ground you, revitalize you, and bring your dreams to life!